christmas 86' part two

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Joyce: Hopper? Are you awake

Hopper: Huh?

Joyce: Morning sleepyhead it's 5:30

Hopper: Sh** sorry

Joyce: Its my fault too you know?

Hopper: How long you been awake?

Joyce: About 5 minutes

Hopper: Okay -he gets up- What am I doing then?

Joyce: Putting a shirt on, sneaking outside I'll walk Into the kitchen and open the fridge, that's your time to knock on the door and I'll make sure Eleven answers it, does that sound good? And bring her this present
-she hands present to him-

Hopper: Okay

Joyce: Good

Hopper: So um when do I do this?

Joyce: Now

Hopper: Okay but don't we have to wait till e-


Hopper: Nevermind... okay let's go

Joyce: Go out of the side door up them stairs and make sure you are not seen or heard okay?

Hopper: Yep I know what I'm doing Joyce

Joyce: Okay just checking

Hoppers POV

Sometimes she can be such a control freak, I know that but I've dealt with worse so.. I have to do this, for Joyce, for El, for my family...

7 months it's been, 7 months! Without my daughter, who hasn't had the best of lives. 7 months without the love of my life. Life was hell.

Joyce: You good?

Hopper: -in a daze-

Joyce: Hopper?

Hopper: huh?

Joyce: You good?

Hopper: yeah just stuck in thoughts.. that's all

Joyce: You sure you wanna do this

Hopper: Yeah. I'll go now

Joyce: Okay

Hopper climbed up the stairs, his face was gleaming with excitement. For years now Eleven has been a very important part in his life and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his with her as the father she never really had.

Hoppers POV:

God, kid you deserve the world. It may not seem it but I love you, love you dearly. You've made me feel as if I am complete, you complete me Eleven you really do...
I cannot wait to see your face as soon as I walk through that door and give you the biggest hug ever. I've missed you a lot but I promise to keep you safe and happy at all times.


Joyce: Merry Christmas guys!

El: Oh it's Christmas!! I wish hopper was here to spend it with us...

Joyce: me too El me too..

Will: Hey El look at these presents!

El: *lightly smiles* let's open them!!

Eleven knew that this Christmas wasn't going to be the same without her father, ever since he had gone missing all she could think about was the memories they had just before that horrific night where Hawkins was turned upside down...

Joyce stared out the window and chuckled, Hopper stood there freezing cold urging her to hurry up and signal him. She waited as long as she could making hopper angrier and angrier until she gave in and gave him the signal.

The kids were opening their gifts having a blast and the door knocked.

Joyce: who could be at the door at this time of the morning?

Joyce: Wait, I've got to take this call, El would you mind answering the door for me?

El: Sure?.

She got up, only to be clueless of what was about to happen. Joyce walked into the kitchen pretending to be on a call but she grabbed the camera sitting on the bench and turned it on.

Eleven reached for the doorknob and twisted it until the door opened a slight crack. She turned to look at Mike who was shocked.

El: What's wrong Mike?

Mike: El.. turn around...

She took his word and turned around and swung the door open. Her face immediately froze.

Hopper ran towards her tears in his eyes and gave her the tightest hug he could ever give.

El: d-dad?

Hopper: It's me kid... Merry Christmas Eleven

Elevens face lit up and she felt the warmth of his hug surround her. She felt safe finally after all of these months. Tears fell from her eyes as she buried her head into his chest, gripping him tighter and tighter.

He let go of her and bent down to wipe the tears from her eyes and escorted her inside into the warmth.

Hopper: it's freezing out there so let's go inside.

El: Yes dad

Her smile wouldn't stop it's as if it had been frozen from the bitter winter morning. Her life was normal again. No more tests, no more running away for the majority of her life and most importantly,

a real family.


I want to thank you so much for reading this story! I hope it was enjoyable for you :) this took longer than expected I mean I lost motivation twice so stopped but I might get back but I'm unsure yet since I'm not fully ready to!!

This story has been hella fun to write and I'm glad you've read it since these take time and your showing your support! Ily <3

Let's hope I write more stories in the future so keep your eye out for that notification saying I've created a new story!! Bc it may happen!

I have some ideas:
maybe another fanfic

But not just yet I want to start another one when I feel really up for it and motivated to so I'm sorry if I become inactive for a while I have not quit I have just lost motivation or something like that, anything else I'll lyk lmao.

Anyways thanks again for taking your time to read this, it means so much to me and I wish you an amazing rest of your day/night!!

Byee! <3

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