reunited... part one

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Hoppers POV

Only 1 hour to go.. I need to get ready. I'm so nervous for this Joyce is about to find out who the creep is writing her the notes.
What I'm planning on wearing is a white shirt with a beige jacket and some black pants.. this is a big moment to I have to dress nicely. I know Joyce will. She's gorgeous anyway, even if she was a zombie she would still be beautiful.

I sprayed my cologne which was left on my dresser for 7 months and brushed my teeth so my breath didn't smell like cigarettes and alcohol. Hopefully she will turn up...

Shut up Jim she will! I'm over exaggerating I've been wanting this for months and if I remember correctly she asked me before I disappeared into the upside down.

Joyce's POV

Okay 1 hour to go.. I've showered, done my hair. Now I just need an outfit and a bit of make up from Karen.

I just know I packed the black dress that has been sitting in my closet for who knows how long. Found it... I hope I look alright enough to make them seem like I am not an exhausted mother of 2 teenagers and 1 adult. They wouldn't mind right? I hope anyway.

Joyce: Hey Karen?

Karen: Yeah?

Joyce: May I borrow some of your makeup

Karen: What's the occasion? A date

Joyce: Yes and I only have 45 minutes to do it!

Karen: Okay okay! It's just on my dresser

Joyce: Thanks a bunch Karen

Karen: No problem and enough talking! Go get ready Joyce!

Joyce: Yes okay...

Wow she has a lot of makeup... where do I start? Maybe some blush lipstick and a nude look on my eyes... a tiny bit of blush and some mascara then I should be good to go.

Not that bad actually.. Only 10 minutes till I leave. I'm so nervous.. I don't know if I've even met this person before they could be a murderer for all I know! I'm unsure about this... but I guess I'll go. It'll be for the best.

I'll just brush my teeth, sort my purse out then I'll be good to go..

7 minutes later

Okay.. I'm done time to go... I don't know why I'm breathing so fast.. my palms are sweating and for all I know my make up would probably be melting!

Hoppers POV

It's 7pm already... I need to go. At least I have a car now so I don't have to walk. I'm about to finally have the date that has been waiting 7 months to happen. Just breathe Jim breathe it's going to be okay.

2 minutes later

I'm here... I'm at Enzos. Joyce should be arriving any minute now. I need to get seated.

Waiter: Hello sir how many is there?

Hop: 2

Waiter: Table for 2 okay sir

Meet me at Enzos..- Jopper fanficWhere stories live. Discover now