Guess who...

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Hoppers POV

How can I make this work, she cannot know who I am otherwise I would ruin the surprise.
I mean it is 3 in the morning but I cannot wake Larry and Emma. God this is stressful all it is is a letter how could it be so hard to post... I need to suck it up and go I'm being such a baby...

I made it past the second floor... now time for the last one. Maybe it isn't such a good idea going in the streets in my pyjamas in 27° weather. Screw it

The door.. oh I'm dreading this it will be loud and wake everyone... Here goes nothing...


Sh**! I froze dead in my tracks, hoping with all my life nobody woke up but the door was open I was free from all the stress. Now all I need to do is place the not in her mailbox not that hard right? Okay I got this not that hard just breathe...

My heart was pounding really hard as if it was gonna wake the whole street. Snow lay on the ground but I could swear that it wasn't there before but nothing could stop me! I could potentially have the woman of my dreams just like I dreamed of. I treaded through the snow leaving fairly large footprints behind me. All I need to do is walk 20 steps, open the letterbox and put the letter in, easy right...

Wrong.. the letterbox was frozen shut, I don't know what do do now.. stupid winter it ruins everything...

Wait.. does Joyce have a job? She has her car and could drive it everyday.. Nah.. I'm not sure about this... Unless...I put the letter in her car... It could be frozen too but I could stick it between the window and the door? Perfect...

And it's in... I feel as if a lot of weight was lifted off my shoulders now I can get warmed up and go to sleep and hope for the best really.

The next day

Joyce's POV

Snow! Seriously! I have my interview today, just my luck...Well I guess I'll just put warm clothes on and go.. I hope I get it, it's really good pay and could help with the house and the kids I really need it....

The kids are flat out it's winter break so they can stay home... I cannot forget makeup I need to look nice maybe just a bit of mascara and eyeshadow and lipstick that'll do...

10 minutes later

Perfect... time to go, this is so nerve wracking I hope it goes well...
I picked up my keys and headed out the door carefully closing it behind me and turning the lock as quietly as I could so the kids didn't wake up.

My door of the car was frozen shut but as I was attempting to open it a letter was taped to the window but was it even for me? It has a J on it but it could be Johnathan's? I'm being ridiculous he's dating Nancy so I doubt it's for him... I hope it's not anyway..

I grabbed the letter, placed it down and pulled with all my strength on the door and it surprisingly opened, after all I'm not the strongest person but I opened a frozen car door and that's something I should be proud of.
Oh the letter.. I almost forgot it but luckily I remembered last minute... just before I left I ripped the envelope open and a wrinkled piece of paper came out of it... I I wrinkled it and held it up to me and slowly read it.

Day after day
You circle my mind
My love for you is one of a kind

My heart starts to pound
Like a drum at a rock show

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