the morning after...

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Joyce's POV

My eyes were blinded by the sun and my head was banging, I tried to go back to sleep to relieve the pain coming from my head.

My underwear was on the floor but I still had my dress on but it seemed more crowded than usual... Goodness knows what happened last night... I don't remember a single thing.

Hoppers POV

My head hurts... I was laying on my side, clothes all over the floor and.. is that? Women's underwear? Did I... no i didnt..

Wait I don't have any clothes on... what the hell?.. this is very strange. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday was I drunk or something??? I mean I'm in the house and all I remember that I had a date with Joyce. But she's probably gone home. I guess I'll just go back to sleep, I don't feel like moving but that's when I felt a wriggle coming from my bed, it was not me I was laying on my side, is someone here?

Joyce's POV

I'm so uncomfortable I'm just going to move.

Wait.. why is there a huge lump? The lump just groaned... is it a person? It's probably Will or El but it sounded like an older man..

He finally turned to the other side.. wait why is Hopper in bed with me... did we...

Joyce: Hopper?!

Hopper: Wait what the hell

Joyce: Don't tell me we...

Joyce: Do you have clothes on

Hopper: Umm.. No...

Joyce: I-

Hopper: Oh sh-

Joyce: Were we drunk?

Hopper: Last thing I remember is walking into a bar...

Joyce: After you kissed me right?

Hopper: Yeah...

Joyce: F***

Joyce: What am I going to tell the kids..

Hopper: Hey it's okay I'm sure Karen took care of them she has 3 of her own.

Joyce: Okay..

Hopper: Hey about the kiss...

Joyce: Hm?

Hopper: Did you um.. like it

Joyce: I loved it actually..

Hopper: Really?

Hopper: Wow... I never thought you would enjoy it

Joyce: Well I did.. and I would do it again

Hopper: I-
-he blushes-

Joyce: I know you want another... so..
-she kisses him-

Joyce: Woah woah! Easy tiger i don't want another round
-she laughs-

Hopper: Are you sure?

Joyce: Yes. I need to head home

Hopper: Want me to drive you?

Joyce: The kids don't know who you are and don't they have enough going on?

Hopper: Maybe Christmas?

Joyce: Perhaps yes. We are leaving January 2nd

Hopper: So your here for 3 weeks?

Joyce: Yeah

Hopper: That's enough dates to cover me

Joyce: I- Ima just get dressed..
-she gets dressed-

Hopper: H-Hey Joyce... do you want to take a walk?

Joyce: Sure

Hopper: I'll get dressed
-he gets dressed-

5 minutes later

Hopper: Let's go

Joyce: Okay
-they walk out of the door-

3rd Person POV

Hand in hand, the pair walked to the hill where they were sat the night before.

Once they got there they sat down close to each other, Hoppers arm went round Joyce making her blush intensely. They stared into the town for a few seconds then back at each other.

This was where they wanted to be, settled down and happy. Just like they always wanted. Hopper turned away, He was going to ask her to be his girlfriend, he didn't know how to do this. Tons and tons of thoughts were bouncing around his mind, his palms were sweating, this could potentially change his life. He didn't want to think of Joyce as just a fling after a date, he wanted more than that, he has loved her for more that 8 months and this love felt like years to him.

Hopper: -breathes- okay... Joyce can you stand please?

Joyce: I- sure?
-She stands up-
-Hopper takes her hands-

Hopper: Okay...

Hopper: Joyce... -Breathes heavily- There's so much I want to say to you, but I'll make it quick...
You light up my life.. and I can't thank you enough. I never thought I would find someone else to love. And I'm happy I did..

Joyce, I love you so much. I bet you knew that but.. here goes

Will you be my girlfriend?
-he holds out a rose-

Joyce: Oh Hopper... You are so sweet.. I-
-she walks towards him-

Hopper: Is it a no?
-she kisses him-
-they share a passionate kiss, Hopper holding her waist, Joyce's hands on his shoulders floating away in paradise-

-Joyce pulls away, still close to him-

Joyce: Of course I will dummy
-Hopper smiles-
-He pulls her in tight and kisses her again-

Joyce: This is where I want to be

Hopper: Me too Joyce.. I will never leave you, even death won't part us.

Joyce: I love you Hop

Hopper: I love you too Joyce

-they hug tightly-


Sorry I ended it so fast, But I hope you like it :) I'm looking forward for you to hear the rest <3

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