christmas 86' part one

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Christmas Eve 1986

Joyce: Hopper, I'll call you tomorrow at 5am make sure your awake and you can make your way to the wheelers and I'll give a signal for you to walk through the door, you got that?

Hopper: Yeah.. does it have to be so early?

Joyce: Your so lazy for f***s sake!

Hopper: no I'm not

Joyce: Oh really? Aren't you the one late for work everyday

Hopper: I-

Joyce: See? Be up by 5 or else

Hopper: Or else what?


Hopper: Calm down! I'll be awake! Just for you

Joyce: Good!

Hoppers POV

Jesus she can be so scary at times... she may be small but she's feisty, mega feisty. But it's cute.

I have to be awake for her... and Eleven of course. 1, I don't want my door knocked off its hinges and be beaten to sh** by my own girlfriend and 2, I want to see my daughter.

Joyce: Okay I'm going to head off

Hopper: See you tomorrow

Joyce: 5 o' clock don't forget!

Hopper: I won't let you down

Joyce: You better not

Hopper: Bye Love you!

Joyce: Love you too
-she smiles and turns away-

Joyce's POV

Ahh... the first I love you!... I can't take it, I love this right now. I feel as if I've found myself again, yet even better. Okay time to head home. I've been gone for over 24 hours, the kids probably think I've been kidnapped.

Karen: It's about time!

Joyce: Sorry..

Karen: -smirks- So how was he?

Joyce: What do you mean?

Karen: You had s*x didn't you

Joyce: Maybe...

Karen: I knew it, you've still got your dress on

Joyce: Oh

Karen: was he good?

Joyce: What?! Why would you want to know that
-she goes red-

Karen: Let's go upstairs and talk about this

Joyce: Do we have to?

Karen: Yes.
-they go upstairs-

Joyce: So what do you want to know

Karen: Who is he?

Joyce: Umm.. don't tell the kids please but it's Hopper

Karen: JIM?!

Joyce: SHH! Yes! But you cannot tell the kids! They find out tomorrow

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