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my love, my love, oh to be someone you'll be forever.

minghao rose up from his bed early in the morning to attend college, if it is not for that one person, he'll never attend college. he went straight to the bathroom and took a warm bath.

specifically, he could wake up at 5:40 am to go to college since the university isn't that far from them but because of that one person he decided to wake up at 4 am just to pick his best friend from his house.

actually, his bestfriend's house is kinda far you need to walk for 30 minutes but it's all worth it for the chinese male.

he buttoned his polo up and wore a dark blue vest to complete his school uniform. minghao, after changing clothes went straight to the living room to get his bag and go out.

normally, he would ride his car but today, he and his bestfriend chose to ride a bike so he fetch his bicycle from the backyard and went to his bestfriend's house direction.

reaching to the estate, minghao immediately spotted the other chinese male fetching his bicycle while walking towards their gigantic gate. a smile could see in minghao's face as the older walk closer and closer to the gate.

going out of the gate, the chinese male smiled at the other male and waved his hands uphigh like they haven't seen each other for almost a year.

junhui rode his bicycle to move closer to the young chinese to greet him, "good morning hao!"

the younger seemed unfazed, looking at the older directly while the older is very used to this. every morning when they're about to leave minghao would always stare at him, it's not making him uncomfortable since they were friends since elementary graders.

minghao realized that junhui had greeted him, he shooked his head and scratching his nape, he apologized making the older laugh while he blush in embarassment.

do you know how much i love you?
maybe you don't.

the two smiled at each other and decided to go to the university early, so the teacher won't scold them anymore for being late.

no matter how they are far away from each other, they would always find a way to meet each other.

while pedaling to school, the two chinese had a light conversation about on how they feel towards the homeworks and school policies that doesn't make sense.

"you think that it's weird two man dating?" minghao asked out of blue, losing topic. he tapped his lips shut for saying this kind of things but junhui just laughed and adored the younger's expression.

junhui stopped laughing and responded "i see nothing wrong about it. as long as you love the person, you'll go for it. and if you don't hurt anybody. it also applies to anyone."

the younger could only smile in happiness, it also made his heart race in an unsual rate. he could say that he likes junhui so much. 

all he could do is love him from afar, that's all.

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