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as always, minghao do his morning routine for school. ask him or not, he's been feeling uneasy since saturday or he's just over thinking things. while he was preparing his things, he immediately opened the door when he heard a knock.

and it was junhui's young maid and friend, nayeon. "is something wrong? what happend to jun?" the chinese asked, clutching his bag tightly. whenever nayeon's there, he knew something happend to junhui. nayeon acts like their messenger, good thing mrs. wen hadn't found out yet.

the lady exhaled heavily, looking down. "junhui.. he can't come to school for the next three weeks." the lady informed, secretly handing him a folded paper. he knew something was up. after giving him the folded paper, nayeon sprinted towards her bicycle and went back to the wen's residence.

pedaling through the streets, minghao felt lonely alone. he have to wait for three weeks. three solid weeks to meet junhui once again, he hoped that nayeon would help to see junhui even a glance.

unconciously, minghao hummed a song that he made for junhui and smiled, thinking of what the two of them might be doing now if they're together riding bicycles. the young chinese's hand felt cold as the ride continue, most of the time junhui would hold it for him.

reaching at the university's gate, minghao parked his bicycle where the two of them used to park it since they were the one who made it. walking inside, minghao stumbled upon wonwoo who seems to brought a lot of books, "sorry!" wonwoo apologized, picking up the scattered books.

minghao blinked for a moment, then later on picking the scattered books to help wonwoo. "where would you bring these books hyung?" minghao asked, looking at wonwoo puzzled. the guy pointed at the door, which is their classroom, minghao just giggled and walked towards the room.

"junhui won't be attending class for today, or for the mext weeks said by his mother." seungcheol announced, sitting at the front row, playing with his phone. the others just nodded while minghao had felt sad and started to overthink but again, it doesn't let him take over.

as usual, minghao went to sit where the two of them used to be though he feels alone he decided to sit there, far from his classmates' noise or whatsoever.

the chinese male was about to read his book when suddenly he picked the wrong bookmark. it was letter from nayeon, he decided to open it and made him smile a little bit.

"meet me at the hideout, i'll tell you how to see junhui. bring a friend. you know just incase we get caught."

he couldn't wait any longer to go home, finally he could get to see junhui again. eventhough he hadn't see him for a while, he misses him. minghao was too comfortable with him to the point that losing junhui beside him is like a part of himself is being snatched away from him.

joshua barged inside panting, holding onto his knees for support so he won't fell down. the loud barge of the door made the others startle but shrugged it after, "we have a test from mrs. wen, and it's math." joshua announced making everyone complain.


"i know nothing..."

"good thing i studied."

"i haven't study math yet!"

"please somebody help me..."

all you can hear is complains from the 11 students, it's sure hard to get test without studying last night.

minghao, furrowed his eyebrows in disappointment. why does mrs. wen do this? she would always do a surprise exam without teaching anything. while the younger was worrying about his grades, a sudden guy approached him.

wonwoo, being a good friend he is, he handed his notes to minghao to lessen the worry of the younger. the guy seemed to understand that minghao is having a hard time especially without junhui, if junhui's here maybe both of them are laughing their lungs out.

the young chinese look up, seeing the korean handing his notes to him. he smiled and thanked him for being kind to him though they're not that close with each other.

after the whole math test, all of the students had breathed nicely. though some may fail but still it's over. minghao went to the library as usual with wonwoo to study, since junhui wasn't present.

sitting next to each other, the young chinese asked the older korean, "do you like mingyu?" wonwoo was taken aback at such question but responded honestly, "yes. i like him, but i feel that he likes somebody else." he smiled sadly, eyes also being sad. minghao just punched himself internally making the other sad.


"can you come with me? to junhui's household? please?" minghao requested, doing the puppy eyes against wonwoo who seemed to can't decline the younger's offer.

when wonwoo nodded, minghao immediatley pulled him to the school's yard to meet nayeon.

"finally! i've been waiting for the two of you!" nayeon sighed in relief, minghao and wonwoo just smiled. the lady expected minghao and wonwoo since the other classmates were having date themselves or whatsoever. nayeon signalled them to ride the bicycle's back, since his bicycle is for three and the two just do as what they were indicated.

reaching the back of the wen's residence, minghao's eyes immediatley sparkled at the thought of seeing junhui once again, in his happiness he held the elder's hand and pulled him to their way.

"let's go.." nayeon called, stepping inside junhui's secret back door. the three walked in, while walking down a slim path the chinese couldn't contain himself from being happy that he squished the poor guy's hand.

opening the door slowly, he saw junhui. sitting on his bed, the older chinese seemed sick, making minghao worried nonetheless still put up a smile to meet him.

"ming—" junhui's sentence was cutted when he saw minghao's hand being interwind with their classmate. junhui tends to be possessive on what he owns, specially minghao.

on the other hand, mingyu felt his heart crack at the scenario. wonwoo and minghao holding hands but what is his rights? he just likes him.

minghao smiled at him, letting go of wonwoo's hand, he hugged him tightly while nayeon stood before the door so he could see mrs. wen, junhui's room cctvs were all disabled by mingyu since he nayeon told her so.

"what happend to you? the young chinese asked, holding junhui's hand tightly. junhui couldn't tell him the truth yet. "just a flu, it's not that deep." junhui smiled, assuring him that he's okay but deep inside, his chest started to tighten.

nayeon seemed to notice it, so the lady walked beside junhui and handed him the oxygen mask beside him. minghao watching the whole process seemed to be confused.

later, junhui and minghao talked about the schools and how their day went while nayeon and mingyu was silently waiting at the door ans wonwoo stealing gazes from mingyu.

"mrs. wen, she's here." mingyu noted, making them panic but calmed later on. nayeon nodded at minghao, telling him what to do and went out to distract mrs. wen.

junhui looked at minghao sadly, it feels so forbidden. "i'll see you again alright?" minghao stated, pressing his thumbs at the older's cheek then giving it a peck.

wonwoo and minghao immediately stepped out of the house for junhui's safety.

if you only knew, how much i love you
but fate seemed to hate me and gave me this path. i'm sorry my love.

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