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a/n : this chapter is another episode of visiting places!

minghao and junhui have their eyes wandering around the corner of the streets. The ambiance was good, though there are many people that surrounds them. "some people are busy..." junhui voiced, earning a nod from minghao as an agreement.

as the two proceeded walking they came across hansol and seungkwan buying some foods for their youtube channel. then, they've reached the library where they used to study.

the young chinese was busy reading when a group of boys annoyed him. "oh look, it's mr. bookworm!" a boy exclaimed earning a laugh from other friends. junhui's patience were running out as the boys continued the laughter that even made the others draw their attention to them. when he was about to leave, a familiar boy pushed the one who just called him 'bookworm'.

the boy was surprised at the sudden attack, "for your information, bookworm isn't an insult. go home you motherfucking asshole." the other chinese stated, sending eye glares to the boys one by one. junhui expected the boy's character by just his aura, nonetheless, junhui knew that this boy is soft hearted.

"can i share a table with you?" the other chinese asked, holding a thick book, the scary aura he has earlier just disappeared in a split second, "sure!"

when they both settled at the comfortable table, minghao helped junhui to grabbed the old books he used to read, which surprisingly is still there. "it's still good as new.. wow.. i was like... 12 years old.. back then.." junhui spoke softly, dusting the book as if it he was a main character in a movie, "yeah. i heard they don't change the books here that much." minghao replied, opening the book he also used to read.

after his reply, both fell into silence and thet were just reading but minghao couldn't help but to spare a glance at the older chinese who look ethereal who is just reading. in a second, junhui was the one who would look at him, just like how the other would look at him.

every saturday, junhui and minghao would always meet at the library as their bonding since it's the only thing that they have in common.

"what are your plans when you grew up, hao?" the elder questioned, leaning at the table, minghao was taken aback at how close they are but managed to answer, "to be an author."

junhui nodded, "then, soon you'll fill up this library with your stories!" the elder exclaimed, making his heart rapidly beat at such sentence. no one had ever showed a support to him, even his parents. minghao's mom wants him to be a surgeon while his father wants him to be a lawyer.

the two continued on reading, then later on, junhui moved beside minghao and was holding a book titled "Vansihed".

"let's read this, please?" the elder requested, how could he say no to that? then, minghao nodded and opened the book.

"do you still remember reading vanished?" minghao questioned, earning a nod from junhui, then plastered a smile. "yes, it took me a month before i could move on from that book," junhui giggled, reminscing those days as he cried over the characters, then silence fell again.

but, an alarm ringed into minghao's head. "by the way, i was scouted by a publishing company. they liked my books!" the young chinese beamed, making junhui's face change into an amazed one, "really..? i'm so proud of you..!" the elder tried raising his voice but failed to do so, "your dreams are close, grab them..!" he added, plastering a big smile for minghao.

junhui was feeling very happy as he heard the news from minghao, words couldn't describe how happy he was for his best friend.

after reading some books, the two decided to visit a sunflower park, it was quite far but minghao insisted to walk than to ride a bus.

the elder was quite worried for the younger's legs but agreed at the other's idea. "are you really up for this idea..? it's a 2 hour walk.." junhui notified, still worrying for the other chinese's poor legs. "yes, and you can't stop me, wen junhui," the younger challenged. and there, their adventure began.

it was night when minghao decided to sneak out from his cruel parents, if no one's gonna save him, then he'll save himself from the hell.

he was walking to a nowhere direction and unsure, but he believes in junhui so he kept on walking and walking until he saw a luminous place. minghao silently walked closer to the cottage and saw junhui putting the lights around the ceiling.

"hao! you came!" junhui beamed, dropping the lights he was holding, "of course i will, idiot." he retorded, acquiring a small smile from junhui who picked up the lights again.

while junhui was busy designing the so called place, minghao decided to stomp around the house, it was quite big for the two of them. "how did you get funds for this?" the younger questioned, "oh this? i was building this when i was 11 with my grandma.." junhui replied, trailing off.

"i'm sorry about your grandma."
"it's okay, she's in the better place now."

as they reached the sunflower park, it was already afternoon, they did so much stop overs since minghao was tired, at first junhui conviced him to ride a bus but minghao was stubborn.

the two silently waked into the park, the sunflowers are stunning and pretty. "i wish we could go back here." junhui murmured for minghao not to hear, "do you like it?" the younger suddenly questioned, "of course..!" the elder instantly replied, smiling.

both took pictures of each other, then made a small conversation about their future plans.

"i wanna be an author that everyone knows. like 'is that minghao? the writer of fallacy?'" the younger chinese stated, making junhui nod, "so you wanted to be a well known author? well i know you can do it! i believe in you." the older chinese voiced, smiling brightly at minghao.

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