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the chinese fluttered his eyes open, only to see a plain white ceiling above him. junhui used his stock energy to tilt his head, in order to check whether there are people or there isn't. surprisingly, there was nayeon and mingyu sleeping tightly at the couch.

"ming....yu.... nay...eon.." he uttered, his voice almost not reaching the two. junhui groaned internally, thinking that calling the two over and over again won't catch their attention. he sighed, then continued on looking at the ceiling.

minutes of waiting, mother wen came in, holding a tray of tea and donut, guessing it's for the two who was sleeping peacefully. "junhui! you're awake!" the lady beamed, approaching his bed, junhui didn't move and let the woman do the talking until she gets tired.

"ho... how ma... many day...s..?" the chinese questioned, voice trailing off. it was quite difficult to talk, he feels like that something was stuck on his throat preventing his voice to come out. mother wen frowned, "4 months. this is the longest time you fell asleep." she replied sadly, making junhui sigh again.

mother wen was about to leave, but junhui fired another question, "ma... where's.. hao..?" he asked, trying to lift his fingers to lay above his abdomen, "he went home to his family last week, i assume he'll come back tomorrow or later." the lady answered softly, she now accept the whatever the two has.

walking towards the wen's household, minghao was happily going to the house as he read nayeon's text message.

- he's awake.

he continued on walking until he reached the large mansion. minghao went inside, greeting the maids, butlers and guards that he meet. the chinese prepared himself as if he was gonna confess his love for the other, the man opened the door and saw junhui laying straightly.

minghao walked rapidly until he was beside junhui's bed, "hello... we.. wel.. welcome.. ba.. back..." junhui managed to greet him as the excitement and happiness filled inside him seeing the other chinese, "how are you?" minghao questioned worrily, sitting at the remaining space of the bed, "hmm.. fee.. feeling.. ti.. tired.." the older chinese replied, plastering a small smile.

nayeon and mingyu stood up, "we'll give you a private time." mingyu bowed, pulling nayeon quickly, to leave the two. minghao giggled at such action, making junhui giggle too. "hey, are you hungry?" the younger chinese inquired, brushing the other's hair by his fingers, "no... just.. stay.." he answered, staring at his best friend lovingly.

"honestly, you should rest if you're tired okay? i don't want you to suffer any longer." minghao blurted, earning a nod from junhui, "mhm.." junhui hummed as a response. his death may pain him but watching him suffer pains him more, it's depressing. "hey.. hey... if.. i'm... gone.." he was cutted off when minghao leaned in to plant a soft kiss at his forehead, "then be it, watching you like this is such a pain." minghao smiled, proceeding on caressing junhui's hair.

both was silent for the whole time but it wasn't bothering at all. it was the silent that they needed after all. "your birthday is approaching." minghao lamented, he sighed as the thought that junhui himself wouldn't even reach his own day, "mhm.. should i.. i stay... stay a little.. bit longer..?" the older chinese questioned, "IF you still can, but don't force yourself okay?" the young chinese responded, looking at him warily.

midnight approached, minghao decided to sleep with the wen, since he appealed of staying. the older chinese has still his eyes opened, while the young chinese's eyelids are in the brink of falling due to the drowsiness, "sleep..." junhui spoke, side-eyeing minghao who was laying down the sofa, "are you sure? if yes, just throw a pillow at me if you needed anything, aight?" minghao informed, earning a hum as a response from the other.

then there, minghao closed his eyes and drifted to dreamland.

on the other hand, junhui stayed awake, scared of sleeping that he might end up sleeping for months, or even years. and, he couldn't asleep as the thoughts fogged his mind.

"I want to be with you, forever."

ALWAYS YOURS • junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now