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every morning, minghao would always meet the younger at the wen's residence before going to attend university, just to assure him that he's fine and going to attend university. though junhui wanted to bring him to their campus but his mother says no. these days, minghao had seem forgotten about junhui's condition which is good since the junhui doesn't want the young chinese to worry.

but this time, junhui was nowhere to be found in front of the gate. "minghao?" a lady called, looking geniually curious, "nayeon! where's hui?" the young chinese questioned, eyes blinking repeatedly due to his worry and curiousness. first, nayeon was too scared that she might anger the chinese, "he's.. in bed... please don't visit him any further." nayeon stated, bowing then slowly closing the gate.

minghao was utterly confused on how the lady delievered the message, the lady was confident but somehow hesitant. he shrugged all those ideas and told himself to hang out at their hide out later.

"i couldn't see him... again.." the young chinese sighed, walking away from the wen's enormous gate. as he walked a little longer, he visioned mother wen, furious yet worry in her eyes while walking, it was quite confusing why the people inside the wen's are worried.

"what if.. what if... shit no!" minghao shooked his head, and then there, worried came into him.

he entered their classroom, and saw how usually chaotic the room is. chan and seungkwan jokingly punching each other, jeonghan and seungcheol bickering while the other are singing, dancing and gossiping. as always, minghao went to sit at their usual area: book area, the young chinese fetched a book, which was suggested by junhui whom he didn't know if okay or not.

half an hour later, a tall young man approached him, holding three thick books, which he assumes that he finished reading it. "minghao! you seemed down, something wrong?" the taller asked, sitting in front of him. as minghao raised his head, he immediately closed his book shut and gave his attention all to mingyu, "how's junhui? is he okay? please tell me what happend.." the chinese inquired, making mingyu flinched.

suddenly, the realized what was the other was implying making a warning ringed inside his mind. "Don't" mingyu shooked his head slowly, then landed his eyes at the chinese who is visibly waiting for an answer, "he's just not feeling well." finally, he replied hesitantly.

at first, minghao didn't bought the 'he is not feeling well.' but maybe this time, this time, junhui isn't really fine and needed time to heal. also hard for him since the wen's residence is both secluded and heavily guarded, one step and you're dead. "can you assume when can i meet him?" the chinese questioned, voiced hinted with hope and sadness, "i'll tell you soon." mingyu responded, standing up to proceed to his next class.

mrs. wen and mr. wen are both in leave from their works to take care their only child who has been sleeping for almost 14 hours, they couldn't help but to get worried. "Doc, what happend to the therapy?" mrs. wen asked worrily, her hands interlocked, "junhui's system got even more worse, it became weaker everyday. he is the one who has been gate keeping the medicines to run inside his body." dr. kim informed sadly, as the man rejects the medicines and drugs that are injected in him. "what can we do to let the medicine run inside him?" mr. wen questioned geniually, scared of losing his son who is in between life and death.

minutes, it took minutes before the doctor could respond, he sighed, "convince him. his systems are nothing to be blamed, it's his choice to reject the medicines."

mrs. wen couldn't think but only minghao to convince him, then she remembered what her son had told her, "please. don't." it may pain mother wen but also doesn't want to break her promise to her son. then there, she had to use the card sooner, or else.

junhui woke up from 17 hour sleep of his, he carefully carried his back to sat up, only to find his sleeping father and his mother who's scrolling through his phone. mother wen noticed that his son had woken up, she instantly approached him, "son. stop rejecting your medicines." mother wen voiced straightfowardly, worry and fear could be heard from her tone. the young chinese is in no good condition to ignore his mother, so he answered, "maybe if i'm not tired, i will."

the pain inside him is unbearable, how his limbs shake when he is tired, his stomach flips in pain then suddenly vomit and sudden shortening of breath, all this things made him hard to do his routine.

"i'm sorry minghao. i'm tired. so tired."

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