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at the sudden noise, junhui finds himself awake inside his room, hearing mingyu and minghao arguing for the nth time. the two were debating whether the penguin is a bird or not. junhui laughed at such childish debate, well why problem about when you can just live full yourself.

nayeon immediately stopped the two from hurting each other, both fist clenching as they kept on speaking and spitting gibberish towards each other. "stop that now, let's not think about whether the penguin is a bird or not." junhui tried to raise his voice for the three to be heard and thankfully, they did. "junhui says stop, so i'll stop." minghao stated, walking towards the older chinese.

"alright, we'll leave you here for another conversation of yours." nayeon informed, grabbing the trays where they ate earlier. the younger chinese sat beside junhui who was still smiling, "hao... let's go to.. the rooftop.." junhui suggested, ascending his gaze to the window to scan the outside, "i'll ask mother wen first." he responded, standing up from the bed, then left the room.

minghao came back with father wen, pushing a wheel chair for junhui to seat. as the older chinese saw the wheel chair, he knew that his mother let him. after putting him to the chair, he smiled like a kid who's buying a new toy, "hui is excited." the younger chinese teased, making junhui giggle, "of course i am... i can go out once again." he responded, voice trailing off due to his eagerness. Then, minghao started to push the wheel chair and proceeded to use the elevator that mother wen uses.

the mansion was quite big for the elevator to exist of course and the wens are wealthy enough to have those.

"damn.. it feels like.. forever..." the older spoke, voice hinted with eagerness, fingers tapping at the armrest, "since you went out? yeah, you look like a vampire." minghao stated jokingly, earning a giggle from junhui who was still excited as the elevator went higher and higher.

reaching the top floor, minghao slowly pushed the wheel chair teasing junhui, "yah!" the older shouted, indicating him to move faster to see the outside. the younger chinese chuckled, then moved a little fast, he may not see the older's reaction but he feels like that the older's eyes sparkles by the way how his head tilts.

"wow.. wow.. everything seems.. new.." junhui voiced out, trailing off as the amazement ate him whole. the clouds were blocking the sun, trees swaying by the winds and birds flying freely. now junhui wants to go out and see some more. never in caged life that he depicted this kind of world, again. his jaw was left open as he wandered his eyes around, while minghao was confused.

"how is this shocking? nothing changed. ah, maybe he's just staying inside— ah nevermind, you're so stupid minghao."

he thought, washing away that concept inside his head. he stood there and watch the older chinese being captivated by the nature that surrounds him. "hao, can we... can we... go out.. tomorrow?" junhui asked curiously not removing his eyes from the clouds in the sky. minghao thought that this might be a bad idea but nodded instead and answered, "sure. let's visit the cat café, you like cats right?"

hearing that statement made junhui attention drew to him, but not looking back. "there's a new café?" he asked, geniually curious, "yes. it's been there  3 months ago." the younger replied, walking infront of him to see his reaction better, "let's.. go there..!" the older yelled, well not actually since his voice isn't that loud.

after talking about the cat café, both sat in silence and watched the clouds rotate around, "do you want to celebrate your birthday here?" minghao questioned, hugging his knees while looking at junhui, "i prefer at the hide out." the older responded, attentively watching the clouds revolve. the younger chinese just nodded and smiled a little, now he knows what to do.

"hao... let's visit a library tomorrow.. and the café.. of course.." junhui suggested, earning a nod from minghao, "we will, let's visit all the places until we can, yeah? just tell when you get tired and we'll go home." minghao answered, happiness spreading through him as he thinks of a fake scenarios inside his head.

as the silent comes again, the older chinese heard a laugh from minghao, the laugh sounded cute making him smile. sometimes, he doesn't understand what goes on inside minghao's head that's why he would just laugh with him.

"damn, you're so pretty, xu minghao."

he told himself, eyes fixtated on the young man who was still laughing by himself. and this is the other reason why he was in love with him.

ALWAYS YOURS • junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now