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after the therapy, mother wen asked the doctor if he's son is allowed to go out and luckily his condition isn't that much worse so, he can go out.

minghao was patiently waiting outside for junhui who was changing his clothes and preparing for the walk. after sometime, the wen went out of the house, sitting on the wheel chair being pushed by his mother who was dearly smiling at him.

the young chinese dashed towards the older chinese who is smiling excitedly as if he was a litte kid who is getting a new toy.

"please, take care of junhui and have fun!" mother wen exclaimed, stepping backwards to give minghao the wheel chair, "of course we will, don't worry, i'll make sure that i'll take care of jun." minghao responded happily, smiling at mother wen. at some point, mother wen doesn't like seeing minghao around junhui but somehow get the hang of it.

after bidding good bye to mother wen, minghao and junhui left the residence and proceeded to their first destination : cat café. "are we really gonna walk from here to that café...? i think it'll be a long way from here to there..." junhui asked, slowly for him not to catch his breath, "it's close from here. don't worry about me." the younger answered, smiling proudly as if he can walk from wen residence to the café he was suggesting.

while on their way to the café, junhui decided to hum a song to break the silence between them. "good song, what is it called?" minghao questioned, gaining the man's attention. he was quite surprised that minghao heared him, his voice was low.

"crow.." the older responded, earning a nod from minghao. after the respond, it became quiet once again. when they were quietly passing the sidewalk, minghao spotted several daisies planted.

"hui! hui! look at the daisies!" the younger exclaimed excitedly, pointing out the daisies for junhui to see. the older chinese tilted his head and saw the daisies, they were like the same when he first met minghao there. "they look... pretty.." junhui stated, looking at the dancing daisies.

it was noon and the sun was shining brightly, minghao decided to stroll around their garden, in hopes to have a peaceful noon. it was silence around not until a guy bumped into him. "what are you doing here?!" minghao questioned, almost shouting as he saw the boy's face. it was the same boy who bumped into him last week.

"just looking for a fresh air, why so stingy?" junhui replied, standing up from the ground. minghao just scoffed and left the boy in his place. it was annoying since he only wants a peaceful surrounding but the nature gave him a boy who would always bump into him.

it was already 6:20 AM when they've reached their first destination : the cat café. junhui was so eager to enter that he curled his hand and smile widely, causing minghao to giggle at such habit. as they enter, they sighted jeonghan and seungcheol laughing at a random meme that seungcheol found on internet.

"what do you want?" minghao questioned,  looking at the menu, "waffles and a hot cocoa." the older answered as he grabbed a cat from the ground, then placed it on his lap. the younger nodded and helped junhui to sat at the chair and he put the wheel chair where it couldn't be a barrier to anyone.

"oh, hao? may i get your order?" a man inquired, "wonwoo-hyung? hello! may i get 2 waffles and 2 hot cocoa? thanks." minghao replied, smiling at wonwoo. after ordering, he got back to their sit and saw junhui patting a sleeping cat. "where do you want to go next?" the younger chinese questioned, looking at junhui lovingly.

"I'm so in love with you. what did you do to me?"

it took a whole minuted before junhui could amswer since he was busy patting a cat, "library. then the next destination is up to you." junhui replied, letting the cat go, "shall we go painting then? and clothes shopping?" the younger suggested, eyes litting up at such idea, "of course." the older responded, looking at him, eyes full with love and desperation.

"I'm too in love with you, to the point that i couldn't let go to prevent you from hurting."

before he could even zone out, their orders had already arrived. "junhui? fancy meeting you here." wonwoo greeted, exchanging a smile with junhui, "by the way, here's your order. enjoy!" the man stated in an enthusiastic tone, carefully placing their orders, then left the table.

they both started digging the food and had a small conversation about their future courses and lives. "haven't you like.. found your true love..?" junhui suddenly asked, choking minghao into his hot cocoa and good thing junhui didn't notice.

"this idiot, you're my true love. tsk."

he then scoffed, earning junhui's attention again, "you know, i have no time for love hui, things like that aren't my interests." minghao answered, after hearing his own response, he was shock, he didn't know where his words came from.

"oh. i see."

the older chinese felt his heart race at an unusual rate, it wasn't his disease but a melancholy that rushed inside him.

"if no interests, then i have no chance? alright, but i won't regret this time."

junhui sighed in grief as a idea of him getting rejected but nevertheless, he'll do it. soon. "ah i see, i could also said the same, not just because i don't have time but also this irrational disease." junhui calmly responded, sipping a hot cocoa.

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