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contemplating while laying down, that is what junhui is doing now. the man can be mistaken as a dead person due to his appearance, skin pale as snow, so as his lips and limbs weak as fuck. he had a stupid idea in his mind, junhui is hesitating whether to do it or not, but his mind says 'yes'.

junhui slowly sat up, groaning as he straighten up his body, the pain was immense that everytime he move a muscle, the pain will roar up. successfully, he sat up enduring the pain while doing so, "damn this condition." the chinese hissed, legs slowly moving down the bed.

what is his idea? to visit minghao. he has been in bed since last week since he was too weak to stand up or do things on his own. while proceeding to leave the bed, nayeon sighted the man, "hey! hey! hey! where are you going? stay back!" nayeon notified quietly, junhui shooked his head in disagreement, he needs to see minghao, right now. nayeon dashed towards the man and restrained him from leaving the bed, which junhui appealed, "please.. let me meet minghao, i'll take the medicines! i promise!" the chinese cried, hands began to shake as if he was losing hope.

right when nayeon looked in his eyes, she was completely strucked there, thinking whether she helps the man or to restrain him so, "please... i want.. want to meet hi... him.. it's been t... two we... weeks..." the chinese pleaded, eyes getting watery while lips are quivering. the lady couldn't understand, what is so important to meet minghao? why would he force himself just to meet him?

nayeon shooked his head, hands still restraining junhui who has no ability to fight due to his condition, "what's with the urgent? you can meet him anytime!" the lady yelled, still junhui was unfazed, "with my condition, there is no anytime or soon!" junhui tried shouting with his left inner voice, he needed to meet him, the life inside him is leaving. nayeon being a pity person she is, she helped junhui to leave the wen's residence and brought the chinese to the xu's house.

minghao, still up finishing some of his assigned works heard a loud knock from his door drawing his attention, "goddamn it's 9:30PM of the night!" he groaned, proceeding downstairs to open the door. opening the door, there he stood up a familiar tall figure leaving his eyes widen in shock. "what are you doing here? you're supposed to be in bed!" the young chinese argued, but the other chinese seemed unfazed by his loud voice, "let... let.. m.. me.. in.." junhui demanded, resting his head onto the man's shoulder.

after welcoming the older chinese, minghao prepared a warm milk for him, just like when they were kids. "what brings you here?" minghao questioned, caressing junhui's brown hair, the older chinese was laying at the pillow above the other's thighs, it became his personal spot. "with this state, i may not be able to meet you. so, i wanna see you." junhui replied, other hand interwined with minghao's, "liar. what's your real reason?" the young chinese bite back, "that's the real reason, and i love you." junhui replied calmly, voice trailing off due to his voice volume.

the young chinese scoffed, he couldn't believe that he's still a liar he knew. instead of pushing him to the edge, he constantly caressed his hair. when he noticed that the older chinese was asleep, he smiled softly, "i love you more." minghao stated, planting a soft peck at junhui's forehead.

morning chimed in, everyone was awake, except for junhui and minghao who was sleeping comfortably at the xu's sofa. junhui fluttered his eyes open and sighted the xu's home interior, he smiled happily. then, here's his real struggle, sitting up. at first he tried standing up by force but it didn't work, it only gave more convulse feeling to his body making him lay down.

"minghao.. ming.. hao... ming.. hao.." junhui called, trying to raise the volume of his voice but it didn't work, irritation waved inside him, "fucking shit." he cursed, giving his full force into his arms, then slapped the younger's arm making minghao wide awake, "hmm? what seems to be the problem?" the younger asked right away as he saw the man's eyebrow knitting, "i.. i.. want.. to... go... go.. ho... home.." the older demanded, earning a nod from minghao.

reaching the wen's household, mother wen and father wen advanced towards them, pulling junhui away from minghao. "why did you left!? baby, why did you do that?!" his mother shouted, holding him in both shoulders, father wen walked closer to minghao and spoke, "i'm sorry about my son, he badly wants to meet you that's why he escaped last night." minghao just nodded, "so he wasn't lying?" when he was about to leave, junhui pulled him by the wrist with all his power, "please stay... stay.. please.. until my therapy.. please.." junhui pleaded once again, earning a nod from minghao.

minutes had passed, the therapy was still ongoing, junhui's screams are louder than minghao's voice when he saw him at his door that night. "is that therapy really okay?" minghao inquired worrily, "this is why junhui is losing his voice.. reason why he is always trailing off.." nayeon responded, "don't worry, the therapy is complete safe but it is agonizing." she added, assuring the young chinese.

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