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minghao is now on library, now separated with his best friend who is attending his class. in their closeness, they have disadvantages, the teachers decided to separate them in some classes so they couldn't see each other.

some teachers had suspicion about them being together, so they would always talk gossips about the two of them, on how they are so close and on how they treat each other. in unfortunate state, junhui's mother happen to hear it who is the owner of the whole school. just thinking of his son with that minghao makes him wanna throw up, so she decided to tell the teachers to separate them in each classes. but good thing, they have same classes in the morning.

the two chinese male is aware of junhui's mother since mr kang told them about it. mr kang is a young and kind teacher to the students, lucky for the two they got informed or else they might be separated forever.

mingyu, jeonghan and minghao are now sitting on the library's table, along with wonwoo, seungcheol and chan who happend to stumble upon them.

instead of studying for the next class, minghao couldn't concentrate, his mind is full of junhui's image, the younger shook his head and opened his book to study.

while studying, mingyu elbowed him in his response he looked at the giant puppy and gave him a what-do-you-need face.

mingyu pointed his lips towards his hyungs who was sitting across them looking at him, cross-arms. minghao, in his surprise doesn't know what's happening, it just happend that his hyungs were looking at him.

"do you like junhui?" wonwoo asked, wiping the lens of his specs with a clean cloth. the younger isn't new to the question, it's just as the smiliar as "are you two dating?" minghao just shooked his head.

but the older hyungs seemed persistent with just a look, "you like him do you? it's kinda off seeing you two makes those things and just calling yourselves 'friends'." jeonghan spoke, emphasizing the words 'friends' to make sure that the younger hear it loud and clear.

mingyu nodded in agreement, he hadn't seen so much close friends. sure friends could be close but not close as them. they've been sleeping in a so called hideout of them, dedicating song for each other, thinking of each other most of the times and many more yet they call themselves as friends.

wonwoo also agreed, chan seems to understand what his hyungs talk about so he also nodded, "jeonghan-hyung and seungcheol-hyung are couple but i haven't seen them make song for each other nor serenade for each other every night." chan added, looking at minghao innocently.

mingyu, wonwoo, jeonghan and seungcheol widend their eyes as what the youngest said. just then, minghao just remembered that him and chan are neighbours making him facepalm internally.

"wohoooo, so you're serenading him?" seungcheol asked, in a deep voice making the rest of them startle, minghao nodded slowly blush creeping out from his chest to cheeks. jeonghan laughed hysterically looking at the poor guy blush while wonwoo smiled.

chan, mingyu and seungcheol also laughed in minghao's situation. so they are really just friends? all of them laughed once again.

in exact time, bell rang loudly saving minghao from embrassment. chan's mouth is sure unstoppable. all of them stood up and walked towards to their respective classes.

walking down the hallway alone, junhui decided to meet vernon, seungkwan, soonyoung and jihoon who was sitting beside a gigantic tree looking like an umbrella for them. all of them shed there to talk about something.

soonyoung was busy annoying jihoon while the other doesn't care, he likes soonyoung but not like this being super clingy while he is on something.

"hello jun-hyung!" seungkwan waved, smiling at his hyung brightly making vernon to turn his head where jun is walking from. soonyoung and jihoon also greeted the older and smiled at him.

approaching the youngers, junhui smiled to them, these kids are the sweetest. everytime he wouold check on them, they would always greet him with enthusiasm.

soonyoung smiled smugly at his new arrived hyung who happed to continue the novel he was reading, "you must miss minghao do you?" the hamster-like asked with a teasing smile. junhui just giggled at the younger and nodded honestly making soonyoung and jihoon shocked.

"d-did you see that?.." soonyoung asked the younger, covering his mouth while jihoon just nodded, eyes widend. seungkwan and vernon seemed to notice their reaction, happens for vernon to hear the convo. "what did you ask him hyung?" seungkwan asked, confused.

soonyoung and jihoon eyed each other while junhui was smirking playfully, hearing their conversation. "we asked jun-hyung if he misses minghao, then he nodded!" soonyoung told as the shock reaction didn't left his face, it also happend to seungkwan, he was also left shock.

their conversation made jun laugh, though vernon didn't spoke about it, he knew that vernon knew about the convo earlier and seemed to be chill about jun and hao's relationship to each other.

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