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the wen family was busy baking cupcakes due to minghao's request for junhui's day. the whole house was loud, music louding blast as if you're in the bar.

while nayeon and mingyu were busy baking the cupcakes, wonwoo and joshua were busy creating a letter for junhui to thank him. "how do i do a heart?" joshua questioned, rotating the red colored paper, "just do this," wonwoo took the colored paper and did the steps, "thanks." the american replied, taking the heart.

on the other hand, minghao was busy telling a story on how he entered a publishing company. no matter how long the younger told, junhui would always believe and listen to him.

"anyways, happy birthday! what's your wish?" the younger questioned, smiling at him, "the usual wish." junhui responded smiling back, "why is it again?" minghao retorded, rising one eybrow, the older chinese just giggled and looked at the window.

it was junhui's birthday, since minghao's grandma could bake, he asked her to bake a small cake for his friend. then, he picked several daises outside the house to gift the other chinese.

"here, be careful minghao, it might fall." his grandma notified, handling him a small round cake with a blue candle, "thanks grandma!" minghao smiled, earning a mod from his grandma.

minghao went to their hideout where he told junhui to wait for him. he was smiling cheekily when he saw junhui patiently waiting for him.

"happy 15th birthday hui! love you!" minghao exclaimed cheerfully, earning a giggle from junhui due to his energy, "make a wish!" the younger chinese stated, sitting beside junhui.

junhui sat, "i wish for minghao's suceess and happiness." then, he blew the cake earning a curious look from minghao, "why me? it is supposed to be yours because it's your birthday!" minghao exclaimed, bit irritated due to junhui's selflessness. the older chinese just smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

minghao rolled his eyes, "make a wish, for you. be selfish even for today junhui." he stated, earning a light nod from junhui, "okay." he replied, smiling at him sweetly.

"lunch's ready! minghao, junhui let's eat now!" mother wen called, getting the attention of the two. minghao helped junhui to get up and went to the dining room to eat.

after eating, the two decided to go to their hideout and brought the cupcakes and letter that the others wrote for junhui.

from joshuu : hello junhui, hbd, haha kidding. happy birthday junhui, enjoy your day with minghao!

from wonuu : happy birthday to my closest friend!

from hao : yes i made a letter, so what? happy birthday babu, you can always lean on me when you have problems, i love you.

from nonie and kwan : happy birthday hyung, we love you!

those letters made junhui smile, especially from his special one. then, he glanced at the younger who was busy lighting the candles and arranging the cupcakes.

"i'm so thankful to have you by my side. if it weren't because of the daisies then i wouldn't be able to meet you."

the older chinese thought, smiling sweetly without minghao noticing who was busy doing things.

"i can't believe that after 10 years of friendship, i got to end my story with you. i'm really grateful that universe let us meet."

junhui folded the letters and hid them at the cabinet next to the sofa, "junhui!" minghao called, earning his attention, suddenly minghao clicked the camera without junhui doing a pose. "hey! i wasn't ready!" he complied, earning a giggled from minghao, "you look immaculate, no need to pose." the younger answered, making him fluster, "oh shut up, xu."

"happy birthday to you~ happy birthday, happy birthday~ happy birthday to you~~"

the older closed his eyes, "i wish for minghao's happiness, with or without me."

everyday, junhui got weaker and weaker but since his birthday was coming he needs to act strong for minghao in order for other not to worry. good for his side, minghao didn't notice that he gets weak.

"ah, it feels like forever to do this." junhui stated, grabbing one cupcake to eat, minghao didn't replied, instead he took a photo of junhui eating. minghao took so much photo so he could put more pictures in their book. "i know." the younger replied, grabbing a cupcake too.

the two decided to talk and talk for their future and about junhui's healing to pursue his dream career. "do you think of getting husband or wife?" junhui questioned, wiping the icing at minghao's cheeks, "nah, i guess i'll grow old by myself. you wanna come with me? grow old together?" minghao stated, earning a light slap from junhui, "you're so cheesy, what's up with you?" the older stated, giggling softly.

after small talks, the two went back to wen's residence for junhui to rest. minghao carefully placed junhui to his bed, "minghao, sing a song for me." the older requested, "that's so random, but sure." minghao replied, fixing their things and sat beside junhui who was lying down the bed.

"what song do you want?" the younger questioned, grabbing their album to stick out the pictures he took earlier, "hmm.. any choice, it's up to you." junhui responded, as minghao finished sticking, he started humming to Yellow.

he continued singing as he noticed that the older was looking at their pictures, eyes smiling along with his lips, "take care.. of yourself, hao.." he muttered, while looking at minghao's picture from his 19th birthday.

junhui felt himself floating, he felt his voice getting quieter and quieter as he speak and speak to reach out minghao who was singing for him. "i love you so much, more than words could describe." he spoke, without any volume left. as minghao finished singing, junhui held his hand and smiled at him.

"this is the end, end of my story. now continue yours without me." junhui mouthed, holding minghao's hand tightly. he slowly closed his eyes, waiting for minghao's cue to let him, minghao leaned and gave junhui a soft kiss, "you're already tired. you already fought. sleep tight, babu. i love you too." he stated, tears being restrained to fall. then there, junhui closed his eyes, to sleep forever.

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