Chapter ☆ Eleven

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He watched her rise, watched as she her way across the room to where he waited, rather impatiently if truth be told. But the way she walked, confidently with the exaggerated movement of her hips, that glint in her eyes as she watched him watch her. He could feel all the of his blood rushing south to his groin and a moment later, he was, once again, rock hard.

Rhysand was painfully aware of the distance between them. Aware of that distance shrinking inch by inch as she strode towards him; his gaze raking her over, taking in every detail of her naked body. The curve of her breasts, her waist, her hips. She was no longer the starved, broken thing he'd rescued from Tamlin's manor. She was a female, voluptuous and whole. 

As she reached him, he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, giving her one final appraising look. Not yet touching her, even as he felt her lust, her want, a constant mirror to his own... but he had something else in mind first. Rhysand slowly - ever so slowly - stepped around her, admiring the view as he did so, coming to a stop behind her. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind; one hand hovering over her stomach, idly tracing circles in the soft flesh, his fingers making a path down, down, down until they rested just between her thighs. His other hand coming up to gently cup her left breast; massaging, kneading it between his fingers. He pressed a lingering kiss to her shoulder as he took one final step toward her, closing the distance between them until her back was flush against his chest, his length pressing into her ass. He wanted to feel every part of her with his hands, his lips, his tongue. He would memorize the way she tasted. He would memorize every detail of her glorious body if it was the last thing he ever did.

All breath escaped her lungs as he press himself against her. She angled her neck to his kiss, while her body yield to the grasp he had on her breast, and his fingers - by the Cauldron, those fingers just lingered there, taunting, teasing. She adjusted her self against the feel of him behind her, wanting all of him however he would give it to her, but those fingers, so close, so dangerous close. "Rhys..." she said his name, her breathing staggered at the thought alone. She closed her eyes, ever his to hold, to touch. He reached an arm above her head, wrapping it around his neck as he stood behind her, needing to hold on to something, and her other hand dragged her nails lightly down his forearm toward where his fingers rest, easy to guide them where she wanted them if he didn't move them soon.

He chuckled against her skin, letting his teeth graze the her neck before nipping at the place on her neck where her neck joined her shoulder. His fingers traveling lower, lower, lower... His finger dipped into her slit, teasing her. Oh, teasing her had become the highlight of his immortal life. But he lived for moments like these... her body pressed against his and he could just touch. His fingers explored. Her body; uncharted, foreign territory. He'd have to catalog all his findings in mental folders, pull them out and go over his discoveries another time. But she was warm; warm and wet against his fingers. He'd tease a little while longer, he decided as his middle finger circled the little bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.

She moaned at the touch between her legs, and gasped at the touch at the apex of her thighs. He was teasing her, of that she was well aware, a game they seemed to play often. She deserved it- welcomed it even- as her nails grazed against the back of his neck where she held on dearly, her other hand still grazing the skin of the forearm with its teasing fingers. But as he teased, her body betrayed her as she began moving against him, her hips bucking to that sensitive touch, her breath shuddering as the anticipation alone could take her over the edge. So she move her hand from his arm, wanting it in between them, just so that she could touch him behind her as he touched her.

Rhys pressed against her more firmly as he felt her intend as her hand moved from his forearm. "Later," he breathed in her ear, his lips ghosting over the shell of her ear as he spoke. He bit at her earlobe as his fingers between her legs stopped their teasing. Sliding two fingers into her core. He began scissoring his fingers, enjoying the feeling of her stretching around his digits. He was going to draw this out, give her as much pleasure as he could.

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