Chapter ☆ Ten

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She smiled against his lips, chuckling slightly at catching him off guard, as if his mind was drifting. "Where are you, High Lord?" she cooed.

"Wrapped around your little finger, I'd say, High Lady," Rhys purred in response, using the title offhandedly. Finding he loved the way it sounded more and more on her.

"Mm... I could get used to that." She could get used to all of this. She kissed him again, meeting his eyes, gently holding his hands him her face as a slight smirk came to her lips. "Though if we don't sleep or eat soon, there won't be much left of either of us to wrap around anything."

So could he. And he had, gotten so used to having her around that she had become and integral part of his very existence. Rhys leaned his cheek into the touch, turning his head to press a kiss to the palm of her hand. "That tired, already?" he said with a raised brow and a smirk to mirror her own. "Well, so much for that immortal stamina everyone's always going on about," he added with a gentle flick of her nose.

She perked her brow. "Says the immortal who needed to winnow us up the stairs." She hissed at the flick of her nose but gave him a quick kiss again. "If you won't let me sleep, then at least let me eat something to keep up with you all night. "

His eyes narrowed at her playfully and he pursed his lips. "Fine. Food," he said, placing a quick, soft kiss to her brow before untangling himself from her reluctantly. He sat up, swung his legs over the bed and stood, hissing at how cold the floor was. He didn't bother with clothes as he made his way for the door and the kitchen awaiting downstairs. "Did her royal highness have any kind of food preference in mind?" he asked with a look at her over his shoulder.

But the world stopped as he stood from the bed, wholly naked and beautiful. From the firm ass to the glorious wings to... her breath caught in her throat as the look at his shoulders , and the marks she had left behind. Marks that should have healed but hadn't. Her stomach clenched- was there something in the magic she possessed that could have halted his healing process? "Come here," she summoned carefully crawling to the edge of the bed and kneeling, waiting to get a closer look at the damage she had done to his beautiful body.

Something in Rhys purred at the attention, the admiration of the appraising look she gave him. Then he felt the shift in her before she summoned him and he frowned. Slowly he knelt before the bed, before her, concern dancing in his eyes as he looked up at her. "What is it, what's the matter?" they seemed to say as he searched her eyes.

But her brows furrowed and looked to him, to his shoulders, and back to him again. "Turn around," was all she could get out, a silent plea before she came undone and groveled for forgiveness for what she'd done to his perfection. She needed to see for herself- maybe there was something she could do..

"Feyre..." He was completely baffled but he acquiesced to her request, turning so his back was to her, but he kept his eyes on her. Ever-watchful, ever-assessing. What could possibly be the matter? What was she thinking? What was the matter? She looked like she might be on the verge of tears.

She reached out a gentle hand and ran it over the marks- scars now- of where her nails dragged over him. "Oh Rhys..." her voice cracked. "I'm so sorry." She had marred him, for all to see. He hasn't been able to heal it, and she... she hadn't cared. But now... she ran her fingers over the marks again, praying he'd forgive her.

"What-" Then it dawned on him as he glanced at his back, the newly formed scars that her fingers were tracing. He wanted to laugh, but one look at her face told him that laughter wouldn't be well-received. He even tried to suppress the almost shy smile that tugged on his lips. He looked away. "I wanted to keep them," was all he said, meaning the marks she had made in his flesh. She had nothing to apologize for. He had actually been planning on rubbing salt in the wounds when he went down to the kitchen to ensure they scarred, but that seemed unnecessary now.

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