Chapter ☆ Twenty

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Rhys deepened their kiss; not hungry, not wanton, not in any way carnal or venereal. Almost chaste. But he needed the contact. She was the lighthouse in an ever-raging storm for him.

The softness in Rhys' demeanor was different compared to their recent conversation at hand, and the games they were playing not right before it, but Feyre welcomed it- this change. There would be time for games later. Right now - she would be whatever he needed her to be, and returned the kiss with as much love.

The tenderness in her kiss would have made his knees buckle if he'd been standing. Feyre was more than he could have ever asked for, more than he'd let himself hope for, to dream for. She was his salvation. She was everything he wasn't, and yet, she was his mirror. He deepened the kiss, and like the many times, Feyre had begged for more down the bond, it was Rhysand's turn to be greedy. As he ran his nipped at her bottom lip, tugging on it gently. As his hands straying to her sides and up, up, up to her breasts..

Feyre moaned as the kiss deepened, even more so as his teeth played along her bottom lip, and smiled against his mouth as she felt his hands move to her breasts. "It seems you finally decided what it is you want," she purred, and was immediately unleashed. She would let him be greedy- she would give him everything. Her lips locked back onto his, lusting in their embrace as she all but tore his shirt away from his chest, exposing that glorious tanned skin and tattoos. Her hands and nails ran and grazed along his chest and sides in every direction, as if her hands could never get enough of just the feel of him. And while her lips devoured him and her hands explored every inch of him, she worked herself along his length, wanting... waiting...

Rhys grunted his concurrence, kneading her breasts with his fingers. He grinned against her lips as she kissed him once more, as she ripped his shirt from him. So it was going to be rough, was it? She wouldn't hear him complain. Not as his nails dug into the tender flesh of her bosom, not as his lips left hers once more and latched onto her neck, nipping as he descended toward her collar.

Feyre arched to the grip on her breasts, at the mouth on her neck, closing her eyes and leaning her head back, just to take it all in. Her nails drew seductive lines down the skin of his chest, blindly tracing the muscles of his abdomen. She was painfully aware of the hardening length beneath her, knowing it would be her undoing but wanting it now all the same.

Rhys growled against her neck as he felt her lust. That growl punctuated with a less-than-gentle bite to that spot where her next met her shoulder. His fingers began playing with her nipples with deliberate purpose. He wanted her to beg. He wanted her to be so consumed by lust and longing and sheer need that she would whine and beg for him. And then, then he would give her what she so desperately wanted. He would wait, even as he cock continued growing harder and harder beneath the only layer of clothing that remained between them. He was momentarily distracted by her nails raking across his chest and he moaned against her neck and he loosed a breathy groan of pleasure against her pale flesh.

The vibrations of his groan against her flesh sent goosebumps over her naked skin. She shuddered to each and every touch of his lips against her skin, accentuated by the bite that had her breath hitch in her throat, she she found her hands stopping, grabbing on to each side of his waist as if she needed to hold on for dear life while he teased her nipples. "Rhys..." she breathlessly moaned as she continued to slowly move against him, the sensation of him beneath her almost too much from where she perched. She would need him inside of her very, very soon.

He felt her growing more desperate, heard the hitch in her breath as it caught in her chest. Because of him. Her body was responding to him. That thought only impelled Rhys to go on. He wanted to make her scream loud enough that every damned person in Velaris knew his name- everyone from their neighbors to people on the other side of the Sidra knew that he was hers, and she was his. 

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