Chapter ☆ Twenty-Three

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Rhys's brows furrowed as he looked towards the window himself. She was right. The first light of the day was flickering in through the curtains. He chuckled at that, shaking his head. "It's not the last time I'll keep you up all night, High Lady," he said with a chaste kiss to the corner of her lips. "But I do think it's time to get some rest. What do you think?"

Feyre smiled slightly, her eyes returning to his as she wrapped her arms around him. "I think I've been saying that for the last few hours, High Lord."

He grinned. "Right. I forgot. I was the one who was getting greedy and wanton. That little detail must have completely eluded me." He shook his head before slowly disentangling himself from her arms and rose from the bed to find some night clothes. Because if she remained naked... They needed rest, he reminded himself.

"How convenient," she smirked, letting him go, because she shared his sentiment... laying anywhere near him without clothes between them would be more detrimental to their health, not that clothes would stop them, but it would be a decent deterrent. She sat on the bed, watching him, painfully aware of every ache and soreness along her body. Well deserved, indeed.

Rhys rummaged through the closet, squinting against the dawn streaming in through the window. Finally finding a shirt of his that would doubtless be too big on her, but for whatever reason, he wanted her to wear his shirt. Wanting as much of his scent on her as was possible. As well as a pair of sleeping pants for himself. He summoned a set of under garments for her, appearing neatly folded on the bed before tossing the shirt at her. He pulled a pair of undershorts from a drawer out for himself and got dressed. Half-dressed, technically. He loathed wearing a shirt to bed unless was necessary.

She picked up the pair of black lacy undergarments and looked them over for a second, a plateful gleam in her eye and a smirk while she put them on while remaining on the bed. "I am curious how it is you have so many pairs of lacy underthings in that pocket realm of yours..." She reached over and picked up the shirt- a simple white shirt that was undoubtedly too big for her, but she couldn't help but hold it to her, inhaling his lingering scent, which created a contented grin on her lips. Whether he noticed mattered not as she flung it over her head and pushed her arms though. She was able to button it just enough to keep her bosom from falling out, though the shirt itself seemed to want to fall down one shoulder or the other no matter how she placed it. "You also owe me a new pair of red ones, seeing as you shredded through the last pair." The playful smile tugged at her lips as she focused on rolling up the sleeves.

"Perhaps when I'm away, I visit lingerie shops and pick up things I think would make you look delicious and then store them away for such a time as this," he purred, her playful demeanor soothed him, made him relax. He did notice the grin on her face, noticed indeed how large his shirt was draped across her small frame. "In time, my little beasty. In time." His grin broadening at the memory of shredding those truly lovely underthings. He'd buy her another ten sets. He knew that this wouldn't be the last time he shredded them to bits. With an exaggerated sigh, Rhys flopped down on his side of the bed, sprawling himself upon the mattress.

Feyre knew she needed sleep... By the Cauldron, if she didn't get any soon she'd do neither of them any good, so as soon as Rhys returned to the bed, she pulled up the sheets and blankets and snuggled up beside him, yawning as she placed her head on his shoulder- far more comfortable than any pillow. "We should really try to go out somewhere," she said dreamily. "Later. When we wake." So they didn't spend another day in the townhouse fucking each other hoarse, she remained unsaid, and her blood stirred at the thought.

Rhys melted into the mattress beneath him as Feyre cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around her, resting his hand on her shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head as he let the warmth of both her and the blankets to seep into him. He tensed slightly at the mention of leaving the townhouse. At the thought of another male looking at her, of her being within fifty feet of another male. The thought riled an ancient anger within him and he had to close his eyes, take a few deep breaths, and count to ten before he was calm again. He'd bring Cassian with them. He knew Cassian would let him beat the living shit out of him to take the edge off if he needed to. They'd go out. Their whole group. It was safer that way.

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