☆ The Sun and the Stars ☆

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Once upon a time I started writing a Rhys x Feyre x Helion but unfortunately I never finished it. I came upon it again just recently but knew I couldn't allow this gem to remain unshared, even incomplete. And who knows... maybe this will motivate me to finally bring it to fruition? We shall see... until then, enjoy!


"So why does he need to come here?" Feyre asked as she finished putting in her earring, a dangling bit of black diamond that matched the intricate detail of the Night Court fashion-inspired dress she now wore.

"Because I promised him a tour of Velaris once the war was over, and he hasn't let me forget it," Rhysand drawled from where he leaned against the door frame of the bathing room connected to their bedroom, his eyes on his mate as he watched her sitting before the vanity mirror.

Feyre looked to her mate's reflection where he stood, dressed in his fine black jacket, pants and boots. If she had her way, they'd be without any of their finery and still remaining in bed, tangled in each other's limbs. But the note had arrived the night before, and since the Day Court was their closest ally, and Helion a friend more than an acquaintance, Rhys was inclined to acquiesce.

"So we'll meet him at that palace above the Court of Nightmares," Rhys continued as he pushed off the wall, walking up behind her, his hands warm on her bare shoulders- almost as warm as the breath that caressed the shell of her ear as his lips brushed upon it. "We'll show him Velaris, he'll be gone as soon as he arrived, and I'll be back here taking you out of that dress before you realize it."

Her toes curled in the black sandals she wore, her eyes shuttering as breath escaped her lips. "Well then, we best not keep him waiting."

"That's the spirit," he grinned against her skin, nipping at her lobe before straightening, his hand extended to her.

Taking it, she stood herself, the black skirts of gossamer and silk swirling around her legs as she stepped closer to her High Lord. "It's time to show the High Lord of the Day Court exactly what he's been missing."


The moonstone palace above the Hewn City was as airy and comfortable in the summer as it was in the winter. Feyre hadn't been here since Rhys initially brought her to the Night Court, all those months ago – Mother, what had happened in that time since! But instead of the frail, broken female who needed saving, now she stood as the strong, confident High Lady of the Night Court. And this belonged to her just as much as it belonged to the High Lord at her side. The same High Lord who now strode over to his liquor cabinet and began pulling out his finest bottle of alcohol and three crystal tumblers.

"I thought we were just meeting him here?" she asked with a perked brow.

"We are," Rhys confirmed, turning back to her with a glass for each of them. "But that doesn't mean we can't have a drink while we wait."

She couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips as she closed the distance between them, taking the glass in her hand. "Are you expecting to need much alcohol to get through this visit?"

"Only as much as one would need to stomach a visit with a High Lord more arrogant than yours," he assured her with a wink and a clink of their glasses before taking a sip of his own.

Feyre merely perked a brow as she watched him. "So how many bottles do you have?"

Rhys coughed on his drink, just as the scent of sunlight on a beautiful day wafted through the palace, and the High Lord of the Day Court appeared just a few feet away, resplendent as always.

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