Chapter ☆ Nineteen

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Feyre melted to his touch, closing her eyes to the kiss, returning it gently. Yes, she would be content to kiss him, lie in his arms, smell him, and damn the world as if fell down around them. Her arm around him held on tighter in response as she purred softly in her throat.

Rhys knew where this would lead, knew they'd end up making love again, and again, and again, and again, and... they had time. And she hadn't rested all that long. She needed to rest. And with a small groan of protest, he pulled his lips from hers, his gaze landing on her lips. "You should get some more sleep," he said thickly.

She growled in protest, glaring at him as he pulled away. "It's not as though you've had any sleep, either." She almost pouted.

"If you want me to sleep with you, Feyre, all you have to do is ask," he replied, grinning as he did so.

Her lips curled into a her own devilish grin at the implication and she leaned in for another kiss.

He didn't resist her kiss. His body responding to her without the need of conscious thought or logical reasoning as he deepened their kiss, reaching up to cup her cheek in his hand.

She moaned against his lips and his acceptance of her kiss shifted her body from beside to him to on top of him, straddling his waist without breaking the kiss

"Feyre," he murmured against her lips as she straddled him, the only protest he could muster as his hands again found their way to the now-familiar curve of her hips.

She pushed up on his chest lightly, just far enough to hold his gaze. "Does it ever stop, Rhys?" she asked softly. "The wanting you?"

Rhys ran a tongue over his bottom lip as he returned her gaze. "I don't know," he replied honestly. He knew, though. For him, the wanting was a constant thing. It never stopped.

"Then we'll have forever to keep it from doing so," she promised as she leaned into his lips again.

He loved her for that. For not wanting the wanting to stop. Suddenly, he didn't care about rest anymore. About taking a break long enough to catch their breath. Responsibilities be damned, indeed. He thought, as her lips found his again.

She kissed him deeply, lovingly, as if they indeed had all the time in the world. She broke the kiss again as she brushed her lips against his cheek and breathed into his ear, "What is it you want, Rhysand?"

"We're playing that game, are we?" he teased as he suppressed a shudder at her hot breath against his ear. He'd started this game with her many a time, just tonight alone. He knew exactly how it would play out. But he couldn't help but tease her for using his tactics.

"You did start it," she confirmed as she nibbled at his earlobe. "And now you're going to finish it." She shifted her hips ever so slightly, her core resting upon him, the evidence of what he does to her becoming obviously clear from the warmth exuding between her legs.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," he replied coyly as she nibbled at his ear. Cauldron damn him.. but he wanted her, again. And again, and again, and again, and again... There was a reason he didn't want to take her with him into the market. He knew that if another male even looked at her wrongly, that Rhys would have come unhinged and it would have been messy for anyone involved. That's the way it was for males during the first few days, sometimes weeks, on the rare occasion months, after the mating bond was accepted by the female. But as she shifted against him... he knew he was fucked.

She grinned against his ear and licked one more time before sitting up, bracing her palms against his chest, wholly naked while he remained fully dressed. "That's a shame," she cooed as she adjusted her hips against him again. "A damn shame..."

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