Chapter ☆ Four

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"Feyre..." Rhys hissed between his teeth, but his objection got as her teeth came in contact with the sensitive skin of his neck. She knew he watched her through heavy-lidded eyes, with one hand moving to rest lazily behind his head as the other moved to run fingers through her hair.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Feyre worked her way down his chest, licking his tattoos, grazing her teeth gently across his nipples before continuing her descent down, down, down. She slid herself back from his waist, making room to kneel between his legs as she kissed his navel and stopped at the vee that led beneath his pants.

She could feel the solid length of him beneath her, begging for its release, but she did have manners after all, and glanced up at the High Lord through her lashes, grinning suggestively as she placed another suggestive kiss right at the band of his pants.

The High Lord in question had raised himself up on his elbows to look down at her, to watch her as she looked up at him. Rhysand let out a low growl at her teasing and she smiled.

Kneeling up, Feyre kept her eyes on him, knowing that he watched every move she made. Rhys groaned when Feyre pulled away, as though the absence of her mouth on his skin, causing more sexual frustration than he would let on. She found herself thriving on it, the attention he gave her during this game they played, as if the power she suddenly had over him gave her the restraint she needed to keep from tearing his pants off and mounting him in one swift motion. And so, she held that violet gaze as reached behind her back and unhooked the red lacy bra, casually tossing it aside as she remained between his legs, watching.

And he stilled, as if every thought in his mind disappeared and every muscle in his body halted as that red lacy bra fell away to reveal those magnificent breasts, absolutely exposed. Rhys sat up gracefully and pulled Feyre into his lap in one fluid motion, before she even truly realized what was happening. She quickly realized she welcomed the dominance as Rhys pulled her into his lap, and she wrapped her legs around him to bring him close - so close. She could feel every inch of him between her legs and the yearning there grew to an uncontrollable fire that was going to burn her from the inside out.

But there she was. And he was soon trailing kisses along her clavicle, down, down, down,... until he was kissing, and licking, and nipping at the soft skin of her bosom. Mine, mine, mine.. Mine, he said down the bond and bit down on her nipple for emphasis.

She had enough of playing, she realized the moment Rhys's teeth were on her breast, and she gasped as she arched against his touch, one hand grabbing at the back of his head, the other running nails down his back and over his shoulder as she moaned more more more down the bond, or out-loud, she didn't know.

Or care.

"Greedy little thing," Rhys growled as he pulled his wings in tight as if to keep them from getting in the way as he reached down and all but ripped off the red lace underwear.

His head inclined as his hand found its way up to cup her cheek as his lips found hers once more. It wasn't a harsh kiss - it wasn't rough, or hungry, or lusting. It was soft, and gentle, as though it was his way of communicating how he felt at that moment.

"Tell me what you want, Feyre," he said against her lips as his thumb idly stroking her cheek.


His name on her lips was like a prayer to the Cauldron, and she pulled back to meet his gaze. This question had been asked of her many times, and every time she refused to give a response. Once it was because she truly didn't know, and another it was because she was afraid if what she might answer.

But now... now was different.

Now she knew. And now she wasn't afraid to admit it. To him. to herself. To anyone. So she let out a shuddering breath as she leaned her forehead against his.

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