Chapter ☆ Twenty-Five

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Feyre returned to her room, but she wasn't exactly sure if they would be hers for much longer. Would Rhys want her to to move into his on a more permanent level? Or would he want his own space like Tamlin did? Shaking her head, it would be another conversation for another time. Tonight... tonight they would have fun. She'd step foot in Velaris with a new outlook- a new future in the making. Smiling she rifled through her armoire, heeding Rhys' warning. She found a fashionable yet bulky black sweater that she would wear over cream leggings and brown boots. Matronly, indeed. She left on the black lacy underthings, finding a matching bra, smiling to herself for when she'd be able to show him that ensemble. Running a brush through her hair, she plaited it into a single braid over her shoulder and left the room to find Rhys... and to get this night started.

Rhys sent the reply and within two minutes, he got a response. From Amren. They would indeed be arriving presently. Rhys padded down the stairs quietly and waited for the inevitable arrival of his friends. He paced the wooden floor in the foyer, hands clasped behind his back until he heard a knock at the door and glanced up to see four figured silhouetted by the setting sun. Rhys smiled to himself before opening the door to allow them in. As they walked in, Cassian was the first. He took a sharp intake of breath, scenting it. Rhys almost blushed. Almost. Cassian's grin and the brows of his that nearly reached his hairline were enough to make Rhys scowl at the comment he knew was coming. "Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us, High Lord," Cassian said in a tone that contained nothing but amusement and mockery. Rhys snorted.

Feyre was about to walk down the stairs when she heard the knock. And she stopped. Froze was more like it. This was it, and she had a knot in her stomach. She didn't know why their acceptance was so important to her now... they were already her friends. There was nothing about being Rhys' mate what could change that... she hoped. So she waited at the top to the stairs. To observe. And also to keep her heart from pounding out of her chest.

Rhys felt Feyre's appearance at the top of the stairs like a physical blow. To keep his head from snapping in her direction, he focused on a wicked smirk at Cassian instead, who was still grinning like the Cheshire cat. "Where's Feyre?" Mor asked from her perch on the armrest of the chair nearest the door. No preamble then. Rhy's eyes slowly slid to the top of the stairs. All their gazes followed suit.

Feyre straightened as all eyes fell on her. Her face immediately heated and she let a hiss out between her teeth. No, there was no way out of this now. As she descended the stairs, letting out a breath, she met each watching pair only once until she set her gaze on Rhys, and it was as though a calming breeze overcame her uneasy soul. He was her anchor - with him, she could get through anything, even this meeting with her friends. So with her eyes on him, she walked down the stairs and across the foyer until she stood next to him, and waited for the onslaught to begin.

Rhys watched her descend the stairs, just as she watched him. His shoulders relaxed a bit and he took a deep breath. Until she was by his side. He wrapped an arm around her waist loosely but protectively. Possessively. He met Cassian's stare and a knowing look lingered there. None of them seemed really all that surprised by this turn of events. "So, are we going out? Or is everyone just going to sit here staring at each other all night?" Mor asked as she stood. But she didn't look perturbed. In fact, she looked from Rhys to Feyre and back again with something like pride as she strode over to Azriel who was standing by the wall closest to the bay windows, linking her arm through his. 

Rhys looked at Feyre and smiled softly. "Are you ready, High Lady?" He asked her quietly, knowing everyone else in the room could hear him. Let that be the way they found out. No grand speeches, no lengthy explanations.

Feyre was grateful for Mor, she realized as her own arm went around Rhys' waist and she took a step closer to him. She always had been, ever since the first week in the Night Court. If anyone could make a situation easier to swallow, it was she. And at that moment she wanted to kiss her... until Rhys spoke. Feyre stilled. And stared at him. Eyes wide. Almost afraid to look at anyone else. Not wanting to see their gaping jaws and surprised looks.

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