Chapter ☆ Twenty-Six

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Some people screamed. Some leapt out of the way. More and more grabbing people - children, women, friends, family - and running into buildings and locking the doors behind them as Rhysand and Cassian brawled. Knocking over carts, knocking vendor's wares everywhere. Rhys' roar of rage could have been heard in the human realms as he unleashed his furry on Cassian. A small, distant part of him recognized and appreciated what Cassian was doing. That this male was allowing him to beat the shit out of him. To help take the edge off. To help release the tension. But he definitely wasn't taking more than he was giving, and Cassian's answering roar was enough of an answer for Rhys. 

And so he didn't hold back. He punched and kicked and slashed and snarled as much as was dealt him. He was thrown against buildings and slung across cobblestone. At one point, he hit Cassian over the head with a loose brick he'd found lying on the ground. Cassian looked most agitated about that. Like he knew the inevitable headache he'd have. They were both bloody and broke, clothes shredded when they slowed.. Rhys' temper ebbing away with the blood that seeped through his clothes.

Feyre felt like she could only watch at the two males murdered each other. Mor eventually shrugged, saying they'd catch up, and began to continue on with the walk to the restaurant, Azriel willingly following, and Feyre didn't even notice if Amren stopped in the first place. But Feyre remained - she couldn't just leave Rhys and Cassian to their own devices, not when there was so much that could go wrong. She couldn't help but flinch at every punch, kick, and throw Cassian threw at Rhys, and almost surged with pride when Rhys hit Cassian with the brick. It wasn't until they slowed down down and both were bloodied and dirty that Feyre could smell it. Rhys' scent beneath the sweat and the blood, almost clawing at her senses. She looked at her mate, and for a moment, understood the true source of the ferocity within him. She wanted him - she needed him - and suddenly that alleyway in the Rainbow was sounding mighty appealing.

Rhys stayed on the ground. Panting, gulping down air like he'd been severely deprived of it. He hurt. He hurt all over. And he knew that even when he was healed, he would hurt. Cassian noticed the shift in him, the lessening of that feral rage and from the ground, Rhys saw Cassian's shoulders almost sag with relief. 

"I thought I'd have to kill you before you calmed down." Cassian chuckled, wincing at a few of the wounds he'd inflicted upon the male. 

Rhys rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't have minded." 

Cassian only grinned and came over to pull Rhys to his feet. He looked up at the male, a silent thank you in his eyes. Cassian gave a small grunt as he nodded, a slight dip of his chin. A silent, 'you're welcome, you asshole.' Rhy grinned, and winced at his split lip. But that's when he smelled her. Smelled her lust, her need, heard her thoughts about the alleyway. It was like the ground had been ripped out from underneath him, the wind knocked out of him once more. He looked over to where Feyre still stood, alone in the street. "Why don't you head to the restaurant with the others," Rhys said to Cassian without looking back at him. "We'll catch up." His voice was thick. Cassian must have caught the gist of the reason for dismissal because he snorted and mumbled something under his breath that Rhys didn't hear, but understood the idea of it all the same as Cassian strode purposefully for the bridge.

Feyre glanced at Cassian as he left them begrudgingly, but paid him no mind as her attention was wholly on Rhys while she stood there in the now-empty street, watching him. As he stood there dirty and bloodied and beautiful, her legs were moving towards him before her mind could catch up, and she was wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him deeply, wanting, needing him so incredibly so, she moaned at the taste of blood on his lips, which only sparked her lust further. She didn't know if they'd make it to the Rainbow

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