Chapter ☆ Seven

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Down the bond, he heard her. So he chose the living room. And he chose the sofa that sat before the bay windows, overlooking the city. He set the bottle down on the coffee table and he sat down, patting his lap in a silent request. He wanted to hold her, needed to wrap his arms around her and hold her against him. He needed to have her close to him. He couldn't explain why if he tried. He just needed that connection.

She sat on his lap without hesitation, wrapping her arms around his neck, curling up against the warmth of his strong body beneath her. She would be content to do this forever. She nuzzled her head against his shoulder, taking in the sea and citrus scent of him. She let out a low moan, almost like a purr deep in her throat. Yes, she decided... Forever and a day.

His arms wrapped around her the instant she sat down in his lap, pulling her in as close as he could. His fingers idly playing with the fabric of the nightshirt she'd put on. "It suits you, you know. The Night Court fashion." What he didn't say was that he loved seeing her in it. Seeing her in the clothes of his people, marking her as one of them. Because she was. One of them. Not just his mate, but she was part of his inner circle, a member of his court. She was a member of the Night Court, and she would always have a home with them, with him.

She smiled against his neck, allowing a low chuckle to escape. "I vaguely remember being told it made me look... *delicious*" She glanced up at him at the memory of her first week within the Night Court. "As well as how handsome, delightful and cunning you were."

"You remember that?" He couldn't help the chuckle that was loud enough to echo off the walls of the living room, rumbling down in his chest. "Well, none of those things have ceased to be true since then." He said with a wink at her and a nip at her earlobe.

"Mmm.... and neither has your arrogance dwindled either, High Lord," she teased as his lips met her ear. She could already feel the heat building inside of her, but no- she wouldn't act on it. Not yet. Not when she was so content to just sit in his arms and enjoy him. And there were questions she still had. Questions that needed answers and would turn her stomach in knots until she asked them. So she looked up at him, and asked "What now?"

"I'm glad to hear it! I am nothing if I don't have my arrogance and my charm." He countered playfully, a grin playing at his lips now. Mood lightened; mission success. "That depends." He answered, a whisper against her ear. He nuzzled his nose against her temple as he cradled her in his arms.

"... on what?" she asked softly, carefully, as she closed her eyes to his touch.

"On you. On me. On our circumstances as they unfold before us." He said vaguely, content to absentmindedly play with loose strands of her hair.

She looked up at him with her brows arched and a smirk on her lips. "So, in other words, you don't know?" But of course he knew- there was never a time when Rhys didn't have a plan in mind.

"In other words, I don't know." He echoed, a playful grin still playing at his lips. But he had an idea. He had hopes of where they'd go from here, though he wasn't stupid enough to actually think those hopes and dreams would become reality. And his smile faltered slightly as he thought of all the danger Feyre would be in just by being with him. Something in he chest cringed away from the thought, screaming at him to think on it later and just enjoy this moment with her.

She felt it- the shift in him. The concern that radiated, whether she heard it through the bond or otherwise. She sat up to meet his gaze full on, her brows furrowed. "What is it, Rhys?"

His own brows furrowed and his grip tightened on her. Whether it was to reassure himself that she was real, or to make sure she wouldn't, couldn't, get up and leave, he wasn't sure. "You'll be in danger. For the rest of your life, people will seek to kill you. Eliminate you. See you as a threat because you're with me. Any children we might have will be eternally in danger.." He shook his head, a frown creasing his brow but he refused to break her gaze, regardless of what she read on his face.

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