Chapter ☆ Twenty-Eight

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The door was already open, the the place was alive and abuzz with color vibrancy and light. As he stepped past the threshold, Rhys took in the place; the people at the bar who looked to him like vultures and vampires come out to enjoy the thrills the night had to offer, and then there were the people on the dance floor, completely lost in the excitement and the rush of it all. And there in the middle of the dance floor was Mor, dancing between Cassian and Azriel. Rhys smiled. It had been too long since he'd been here. He looked back at Feyre, his eyes alight with anticipation and delight. "Shall we?"

She sensed it - the feeling of being alive the moment they stepped into the bar. Rhys was right - she had nothing to worry about. Matching his smile, she grabbed his hand. "Let's go," she urged as she pulled him on to the dance floor.

And so he followed her into the throng of people, her hand in his. He could feel the pulsing beat of everyone in the room like it was a tangible thing, like they were all exhausted beyond measure and out of breath, but it didn't matter to them. They had to keep dancing. They had to live in this moment, in this night for as long as they could. And so he took her hand and spun her around once... twice... thrice. And he danced with her. Everything else became a blur and all he could see was her, her, her...

And so they danced. They laughed and drank and danced and Feyre knew the world watched them and she didn't care. So long as it was she and Rhys and their family and friends, nothing else mattered. They danced fast and slow and everywhere in between wherever the music took them. They danced as a group, and when the music slowed Feyre let Rhys take her in his arms and savored the close contact. And when they thought the dance was over and they should call a night, a new song began and they started all over again.

The feeling of dancing, of having her in his arms... Of having their entire world, their movements, their very being dictated by rhythm and beat of the music. Rhysand didn't think he'd felt this... free, in quite a long time. So unburdened by the thoughts and concerns that usually weighed so heavily on his conscious. And so they danced. The floor beneath them nearly nonexistent as their feet flew across it. No one bothered him. No one flirted or flung themselves at him like they usually did. For he didn't leave Feyre's side once. And after what felt like only a few short hours, Rhys glanced at the window on the far side of the building, and at the sun peeking just above the horizon beyond.

Feyre clung to him, leaning against his chest, following his line of sight as they yet again watched the sun rise. "Well, you made good in your threat to keep me up all night again."

Rhys rolled his eyes and he wrapped both arms around Feyre, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "You ready to go home, beasty? Is that socializing for you, today?"

She looked up at him and smiled, leaning up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips. "Thank you."

Rhys purred against her lips as she kissed him. "Is that a yes or a no?" Rhys inquired. She didn't need to thank him, he thought. But he dipped his head to press a kiss to the tip of her nose nonetheless.

"Yes we can go home... unless you have something else in mind?" Though she didn't know if either of would have the energy left in them for whatever that "something" else may be.

Rhys pondered. He had made a promise, after all. And he planned on keeping it. "Two more stops, and then we can go home." He said with a gleam in his eye.

She looked up at him, peering slightly, trying to read him. "What do you have in mind?" she asked carefully, almost cautiously.

"Tea, first," Rhys said thoughtfully, taking her hand in his before giving a slightly nod to Mor, letting her know they were leaving before turning back to Feyre, grinning. "And I suppose you'll just have to wait and see about the second."

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