Chapter ☆ Twenty-Four

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Feyre woke before Rhys, hours later as the sun had reached it peak and began its decent over the Sidra. She hadn't moved from where she lay on his chest, their arms around each other, as though more further comfort was needed to sleep as peacefully than what they had between them. She opened her eyes and lay there for a moment, listening to his even breaths matching hers, watching his chest rise and fall was he dreamed. Forever- she would sleep like this forever, peaceful and safe. A smile formed on her lips as she slowly, carefully propped herself up on her hand. She just wanted to watch him, if only for a moment.

Rhys woke before he opened his eyes. Staying in the quiet dark for just a few more minutes. He felt Feyre shift slightly beside him. Sensed her staring at him. He didn't mind, let he watch him sleep, but, "Is there something on my face?" he rasped sleepily by way of morning greeting, lazily opening his eyes to half slits, looking up at her.

"Mmm..." she grinned, raising her hand to brush some hair along his brow. "A smile, I hope," she cooed, softly.

So he smiled for her. Turning his head to catch her palm as it moved across his brow so he could press a kiss to it. "How are those legs?" Rhys raised his brows, looking back over to her with a lazy grin.

She scowled and tried not to think about it. She was, in fact, incredibly sore and in no rush to get out of bed, despite her earlier pleadings to go out, to do something. "Your time will come, High Lord."

At that, his grin became reminiscent of a cat that had just swallowed a canary; mischievous and proud at once. "Of course it will, my little beasty," he teased. Even as he leaned up to catch her lips in a soft kiss. He almost hissed, but refrained. It would seem she wasn't the only one who was sore after all.

And she laughed. She kissed him but laughed. "So there."

He scowled up at her. "Inconsiderate, little brat, you are," he playfully chastised. Accentuating his words with a flick to her nose before he lay back down on the bed beckoning him to return.

With a playful gleam in her eye, she lay back down with him, wrapping her arms around him and taking her place back on his shoulder. "On the contrary, I think I've been more than considerate, you Illyrian baby."

He scoffed even as his arm came around to cradle her to him. "When there's something in it for you." He knew that couldn't have been further from the truth, though.

"I didn't hear you complain one bit," she chided, intertwining her legs with his.

"I'd like to say the same about you, but you did threaten to drown me in the Sidra.."

She glanced up at him, a smirk teasing her lips at the memory of what he was doing that solicited that threat. "I'd save you. Eventually."

"I do have wings, you know. I might even be able to save myself with them," he countered, but her smirk. He had a feeling she would hold him under. Whether it was the Sidra, or other places.

She playfully glared at him. "Maybe," she purred as she leaned up for a kiss.

He had to admit to himself as she leaned for him, he wouldn't have minded, either way. Leaning down to meet her halfway for the kiss, savoring the feel of her lips against his. It had felt so long...

She would kiss him forever as his lips met hers. His scent, his taste- it was like a drug. She wanted to go out, to see the new world they had would share, together... but she didn't feel like she needed to leave right at that moment.

He lifted a hand to bring to her cheek, to stroke her cheek with the pad of his thumb. He deepened the kiss infinitesimally, craving more of her.. needing more of her. But after all they'd done last night... Rhys didn't give a damn. He wanted her. But they had to slow down. They needed more food. She wanted to go out. He had to summon their friends. He mentally groaned.

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