Chapter ☆ Twenty-Two

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In an instant Feyre pounced. In a flash of teeth and tongue her mouth was on Rhys', pressing so hard and deep as if she could take his very life force from him. In a tangle of limbs she flipped him- rolled him over onto the bed and all but tore his boxers off of him, hints of her own talons echoing as the material shredded, not even caring so long as that length was hers for the taking and sheathed him within her in one earth-shattering movement.

That was not what he had expected. That was pretty fucking far from what Rhys had expected. He couldn't contain the moan that tore free from his throat as she tried to devour him whole, with her lips brazen and unforgiving upon his own. He could feel her inner beast rising to the surface, coming out to play as she shredded the final layer between them and flipped him onto his back. He let out a surprised, "Oomph!" as he landed on his back and a loud groan as she lowered herself onto him. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as the pleasure overtook him. But this was his game. He was in control. And with a growl and a snarl of his own, he reversed their positions. He had her flipped onto her back and he began pounding into her with an animalistic intensity that made his very bones shudder and groan. Her took her wrists in his hand, not his phantom hand, but his hand, and pinned them both above her head once more. He could feel her muscles strain against his grip but he held firm.

She wasn't even given enough time to adjust to the feeling of him before he flipped her and began his thrusting with such animalistic ferocity, the moan the escaped her lips reverberated off the walls of the bedroom. And then he pinned her hands- she tried to move but knew it was futile the moment he pinned her. And she wanted it. She wanted him to ravage her- to control every fiber of her. It was like her inner beast answered to his, wanting to be taken, wanting to be dominated. So she hooked her legs around his waist, begging for him- deeper, faster, more more more, all the while her eyes were open, watching him as they blazed with a lusting hunger only he would ever satiate.

Rhys heard her plea for more, for him to go deeper, faster. And, not for the first time, his desire for more mirrored hers. But, this time, he acted. Releasing her wrists, in a few well calculated movements, Rhysand had Feyre flipped on her stomach and he gripped her waist, pulling her up onto her knees so she was spread open completely before him. He resumed his thrusting, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room, over, and over, and over. As he picked up his pace. As he sheathed himself more wholly inside her than he thought he had ever been. Cauldron damn him... he didn't think he would be able to make this last as long as he had originally hoped he could. Because the feeling of being inside her, hearing the sounds she made, beneath him... Such sounds... Rhysand's cock twitched inside her core and his fingers dug into the skin on her hips. He would stave off his orgasm. He would refrain from climaxing. He would make this last. If it was the last thing he did.

Feyre's world was flipped upside down- literally and figuratively- and it wasn't until she was on her stomach, with her hips hoisted into the air that she realized that this was exactly what she wanted, to be taken by Rhys so primal as if their own inner feral beings were conducting a mating dance all of their own. Every thrust from behind was going to tear her apart with the pleasure as he filled her so completely. She fisted at the sheets, trying to keep her inner beast at bay, moaning into the pillow, knowing she wasn't going to last -but wanting it all- even as the beginning of the spark of her release began to tense through her core

Rhys felt her holding back. Felt her holding that beast within her at bay. He growled, a deep, low sound that he felt rumble in his chest. He wanted her to release it. Wanted her to fully succumb to that animal inside her. The one he released from within himself... only for her. He reached an around around her middle and pulled her up, up, up, so her back was flush against his abdomen as his hips pounded against hers. His arm held her firmly in place, nails digging into her side as his head dipped. As he began sloppily kissing along the skin from her shoulder, up to her neck, nipping at her earlobe, and then kissing back down toward her clavicle.

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