Chapter ☆ Thirteen

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That was unexpected. 

That was very unexpected. 

Feyre so rarely took such complete and utter control of the situation that Rhysand was stricken nearly speechless as she pinned his hands to the walls of the bathtub behind him. He gaped up at her, unable to form a proper, coherent thought with her core hovering above the tip of his cock, standing at attention beneath the surface of the water. "I-... I thought..." He shut his mouth, reconsidering, taking into consideration his position. She had him pinned under her thumb, right where she wanted him. Game over. "No?" he got out.

"Good," she breathed against his lips, and she crashed her mouth into his again as she teased him. Oh, she teased him wholly. She knew exactly where her opening was, and exactly where his cock waited, and ever so slowly she would kneel down, just grazing the tip with her slit, and kneeling up and away, and back again. It drove her insane, but he didn't need to know that.

He tested the firmness of her grip on his wrists by trying to free his hands. He needed to be inside her. That was the only thing racing through his mind as she kissed him, as she teased herself on the tip of his cock. He needed to be inside her, and he needed to touch her. To run his hands along the curves of her sides, feel the dimples at the bottom of her spine. "Feyre," he murmured against her lips. "Please.."

She smiled against his lips, at his begging, at his plea, and in one motion brought her hands to his shoulders, as she shifted herself and forced herself down upon his cock. The sensation of him was so deep, she arched her back upon impact, but didn't stop to get used to it, no.... She lifted herself and brought herself upon him again, again, again- every time bringing a gasping moan from her throat.

"Fuck," Rhys hissed as she lowered herself upon him. In one movement, he was completely buried inside her. White spots danced across his vision and his hips bucked up in response to her. His hands were instantly as her waist, holding on to her as if she were a lifesaver thrown to him in the middle of the ocean; as if she were the only thing that could keep him from drowning. He moaned her name, repeatedly. She was a goddess incarnate. Beautiful and harsh and unforgiving but merciful. She was his salvation, she was also his undoing. He knew he wasn't going to last long. No, no he wouldn't be able to stop his release when it claimed him; not when every nerve in his body sang with such immense pleasure.

She rode him, hard and fast. Keeping her hands on his shoulders she leaned up straight as she moved up and down, back and forth, tensing around the hard length with her with every movement, every thrust. And she watched him the entire time - she needed to see what she could do to him, what they did to each other. Even as her breath became uneven, this wasn't for her- not yet. Her attentions were solely on the beautiful male beneath her.

He could feel her eyes on him. Could feel her assessing gaze as her hips slammed down against his own, again and again and again. And when she clenched around him, Rhys' entire world shuddered with the wave of pleasure it sent through his body. His grip tightened on her, his hands moving down to grasp her hips. His own hips moving in time with hers, bucking up to meet her as she came down. His muscles went taught, his toes curling beneath the water, his nails digging into her soft skin. "Feyre." He repeated her name over, and over, and over again. She was the sun that warmed him, she was the song that assuaged the beast within him. She was his master, commanding him to surrender to her, and so he did; completely and without hesitation.

She knew his end was near and she would ride him until the last wave ended. As he handled her as such earlier, she wanted to make sure his pleasure lasted as long as absolutely possible - she wanted him to see stars. So she slowed her motions, and instead of the ferocious thrusting, she brought him in to the hilt of his length and moved on him, so deep and ever so slowly. The position was enough to give the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs the attention it desired, and she gasped out a moan even in her own change of direction. But this was not for her, she reminded herself again as she moved on him, bringing her hands to his face and giving a deep kiss.

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