1 - And All The

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Origin SMP.

An amazing server where once you join, you're bound to it. You get to choose your class, ranging from weaker things to strong why-is-it-here things. Not the best game for someone who hates themself, and chooses the wrong class and just pushes them further.

Tommy grabbed at the small wings on either side of his head in frustration, yanking them. It hurt, sure, but it wasnt so bad. No one had to know. The boy was sitting in a cave a far ways from spawn, using anything in his inventory to absolutely ruin himself. Cuts littered his arms and legs, even his sides. The only things remaining untouched were the boy's face and the useless wings that were on him. He had a small pair on his head, he had a slightly bigger but still useless pair on his back, and wings sprouting from his ankles.

"Stupid fucking Avian class."

Sure, they helped with slow-falling and such, but that wasnt what Tommy wanted to do. He wanted to be worth something, not to have no way to jump off of something and die. He knew he had been crying since he left spawn, but only in the torch-lit cave was he sobbing. Tears rushed down his face as he firmly gripped one of the wings on his head again, closing his eyes and bracing himself.

With a shout he ripped the wing from his head, scorching pain rolling through him as if he was being burnt alive. His vision began to go fuzzy, and his hands were drenched in blood that poured from the side of his head.

He grabbed his stone sword, bringing it angrily down on one of his ankle wings before everything went black.

He was screaming as he died, respawning still screaming. He nearly broke down all over again, but seeing Tubbo, Ranboo, and Wilbur not too far from him, he decided to do his best to hold back.

The small gang had heard Tommy's agonized shriek, turning to where he had plopped against a tree, rubbing his face. Wilbur's eyes widened and Ranboo teleported over, standing over Tommy with a concerned look of fear on his face.

"What?" Tommy asked, his voice like new. All of his wounds had disappeared when he respawned, that's how the game worked.

"Tommy- Your- Your wings." Ranboo nervously kneeled down, running a hand through Tommy's hair.

And right over the area his headwing should have been.

"What?" Tommy repeated, his eyes widening. He reached up and touched the area. It felt as if there was never a wing there to begin with. "How's that possible..? I thought it regenerated when you respawned..."

"What happened that could've possible torn off your wing?" Wilbur materialized beside Tommy, tracing the area aswell.

"I- Uh," Tommy stuttered, the weight of being watched suddenly crushing him. "I guess the skeleton had good aim."

Wilbur and Ranboo exchanged glances, but nodded anyway. Tommy knew they didnt believe him, but what could they assume? Tommy didnt seem like the type to purposefully hurt himself like this.

Tubbo was the first to notice his ankle wing was gone aswell, and Wilbur asked Tommy to jump off of a tree. Tommy snickered, thinking about how stupid of an idea it was, but his amusement turned into horror when he fell faster than he normally did. His remaining wings werent enough for his weight, especially without the other two that happened to balance him.

He fell with a thud on his side, wincing as he sat up. He rubbed the side of his head, blinking away the headache.

"I'm fine, guys, really." Tommy insisted, "Its not that bad, it's just like normal minecraft... except vegan."

"You should rest, we'll have Phil look over you." Wilbur studied Tommy.

"Rest?" Tommy echoed. "I'm not sick, I just dont have two of my modded characteristics, is all!"

"Yeah, but if we let you go, you could hurt yourself worse, and really doom yourself to only being vegan with no powers." Ranboo said, his tone serious. His ender particles flickered around him like eyes, all set on Tommy and his imperfections.

Tommy frowned, looking at Tubbo for some kind of help. His friend simply glanced at the older, then dipping his head in agreement.

"What? You're supposed to be on my side, here! I'll be fine, okay?" Tommy panicked a bit. If they didn't let him go, hed go mad. Right? He'd turn into a monster and tear himself up infront of them, and the longer he's around them, the clearer they can see his imperfections.

"Its only temporary, Tommy." Wilbur turned his head to the sun, which was now beginning to set. As if that was a cue, Phil seemed to leap upwards, spreading his wings wide as he soared directly towards the gang. He nearly ate the dirt, just barely managing to steer himself upright so he could land. He tumbled forwards, steadying himself, before turning to the group.

"Sorry, still learning how this works. I'm not used to wings directly attatched to my back and- Oh my god, Tommy, your headwing!" He cut himself off, walking to Tommy and cupping the boy's face, running a hand over the once winged area.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know." Tommy pulled away from the touch, his expression betraying how pissed he was.

"Phil, could you take him to your house? Take care of him for a few days. I think that skeleton mightve taken off bits of his brain, too." Wilbur smirked at Tommy.

"Ha! Will do." Phil offered his hand to Tommy, who declined. For Enders' sake, he wasnt a baby! He followed Phil, his friends leaving to go do something that was probably fun. Without him. Why would they want him there, anyways? Tommy felt tears prick at the end of his eyes, and he stopped to pick a blue flower before scrambling to get behind Phil again.

He blinked his tears away, swallowing hard. He ran his fingers through his hair, ridding himself of any dirt left from the fall. He was too old to feel sad. He was just being pitiful again. He was just being a stupid jerk again. He was just being a-

"Tommy?" Phil asked, and Tommy blinked. A tear ran down his face, and he realized he had zoned out.

Shuffling to wipe it away, he put on a fake grin and smiled at Phil. "What? Sorry, just remembering something."

"Are you sure?" Phil seemed genuinely concerned, but Tommy saw right through the mask. He knew Phil didn't care about him, really. He knew he was useless. He knew. He knew.

He knew how they really felt.

For those concerned, no, I'm not discontinuing any books! I sometimes work on multiple at a time, because if I'm not in the mood for one thing, I'm probably in the mood for the other thing.

I'm not the best at angst, forgive me, but later chapters will hopefully get better. Also I might try to work my own frustration into the book? Does that make sense? Like, when I'm angry or something, I write it down as if it was Tommy? hmm, maybe.

Falling • OriginSMP TommyInnitWhere stories live. Discover now