3 - Please Stop

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Tommy instantly froze, his eyes wide and his mouth open, but he couldnt say anything. He was paralyzed in fear of being found out- Would he pity him? Would he be treated worse? Would they think he was selfish? Not that he wasnt, that is- it just hurt more hearing someone else say it.

"R-Ranboo, my man!" Tommy stuttered, standing up. He studied the wings he held for a moment, trying to figure out what kind of story he could make up. "I was just... uhhh... Retrieving my wings! I figured theyd be in the same spot I died at, and I was right!"

"Tommy, a skeleton didnt shoot you, did it?" Ranboo asked, his eyes glazed with concern as he hiccuped.

"Uh." Tommy looked away from Ranboo. "There were alot of other mobs, too. The skeleton just took off the wings."

"So why..." Ranboo swallowed, "So why does it say 'let me freaking die already' on the wall, written in blood?" He censored a number of other swears. "And 'useless'."

"Um," Tommy felt his heart skip beats, his stomach lurching. He wanted to throw up then and there, Ranboo was going to tell everyone, wasnt he? Shit. "I was angry at my... tools?"

"We both know that's not true, Tommy, are you okay..?" Ranboo was pressing but hesitant, his pupils dilating into worry and care. His string tail flicked back and forth behind him, nervously jutting side to side.

"I'm fine, okay? I got what I came for, let's just go." He started forwards, walking past the tall Ender class, but he couldn't do it. Something broke inside of him, like a rope holding his emotion back. "And, Ranboo?"

"Tommy, tell m-."



Tommy looked at the mangled wings in his hands, tears filling his eyes. He took a shaking breath in, willing himself to not cry.

"Please don't tell anyone, please?" He looked back up at the towering creature, watching his eyes look back and forth uncertainly.

"Tommy, you know I need to tell someone, you need help." Ranboo opened his arms, and Tommy instantly fell into the barely older boy, sobbing into his suit. His wings drooped and shook and trembled, sobs wracking his body.

"Pl-ease- d-don't- I will when I-I'm r-ready." Tommy lied, clinging onto the Ender Class as if his life depended on it. He didn't want them to know, they'd hate him even more. God, why was he so useless? He couldn't even keep his hate-hole a secret for two days. Two days. Why was he so stupid? How? The world really would be better off without him, huh?

"Fine, I won't. But you need to promise me you'll stop, okay?" Ranboo was clearly uncomfortable, only digging Tommy into a bigger hole of guilt. The poor hybrid was unsure on how to handle the situation, trying his best. "We care about you, remember that. Come to me when you feel sad, I want to help you, I really do."

The hybrid thought for a moment, listening to Tommy hum subconsciously, though it was clear the boy wasnt going to accept the offer.

"Tommy, I, Ranboo, have decided that for your favor, I will be your Therapist." Ranboo smiled, trying to lighten the mood, holding a hand out to Tommy. Tommy shrank away, but parted his lips and sighed. He gave in, shaking Ranboo's hand.

"Fine." The boy muttered. Why was he accepting this? Why did a spark of hope flicker inside of him? He almost thought Ranboo cared.

As if.

He would never care about someone like you. Look at yourself, how could anyone care about someone like you?

Hm. No, you wont do. Do it again tonight. You need to be punished.

Tommy sighed shakily, looking down at his wings. The detached ones were flimsy and limp, almost scaring the boy. The stiff, dried feathers caked with blood scratched against one another, and Tommy tried his best to pick out bits of rocks and blood as he and Ranboo walked home. He stopped on the way, dropping some water over his head and washing the blood off of him. He had also ran his wings under the water, and it helped clean them a little.

Tommy and Ranboo made it back by midday, running into a panicked Wilbur and Phil. Upon laying their eyes on Tommy, both let out a synchronized breath they didnt realize they had been holding in.

Phil rushed forwards first, his larger wings immedietly wrapping the youngest in a tight hug. Tommy acted as if he was bring suffocated, playfully batting at Phil.

"Let me go, old man! I have my wings!" Tommy held his wings up for Phil to see. "They werent lost. Now we just need to figure out if they can be saved, right?"

Phil gasped, brushing his wings behind him, and took Tommy's wings gently, as if cradling a newborn kitten. He brought the blood-stained limbs closer to his face to look, peering at them and lifting the feathers. He blinked at them for a few seconds, before nodding. "We might be able to save them, but it might hurt since we dont have anything to numb you with."

"Hurt? Numb me? What?" Tommy cocked his head, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed. "I dont- Uh..."

since pixie (author) knows nothing about surgery, just pretend ok-

"Well, if you want them to function again, we're gonna have to let your bloodflow and nerves reconnect. How else do you expect we do this?" Phil asked, looking at Tommy expectantly.

Tommy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He had a deathly fear of the thought of being cut open, especially if he was awake to feel the pain.

"Give me three days, I dont think I'm ready just yet." Tommy frowned.

"Your wings will be rotted by then," Phil said gently.

"Then two days," Tommy half-snapped at the Ender-Angel.

"Fine," Phil sighed. "Two days. But you're coming back to me immedietly when the time is up, you hear?"

Tommy nodded, about to talk, when something suddenly grabbed his foot and yanked him backwards, causing him to lose his balance and fall onto his rear.

"The fu- aAAAAAHH!" He was picked up by something, his eyes flashing back and forth in a blind panic, before the laughter of Wilbur filled his ears. "What the fuck, man?"

"Ha! Watch your back, vegan boy!" The phantom came into view, smiling as he set Tommy down. Tommy couldnt help but smile back, though it was partially forced. Ranboo watched from a distance for a moment, before going to find Tubbo.

"IM NOT A FUCKIN'- FUCK OFF!" Tommy shouted playfully, batting at Wilbur. His wings flared out behind him in a defensive form, the feathers fluffed so he looked a little stronger than he actually was.

Phil stepped back, turning around and walking to his house and sighing. "Children," He muttered, closing his fists around Tommy's severed wings. He began to examine the ends of them, sitting down comfortably. There was no sign of any kind of penetration, only appearing as if the wing was forcefully removed.

The head one, that is.

Tommy's anklewing was more cleanly cut, bits of rocks stuck at the bump of it. Phil could only imagine what happened, yet nothing the thought of was correct. But he didnt know that, he never would.

Tommy hoped, atleast.

When Tommy says 'fuck' it's spelled as 'fuk'.

I rest my case.

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