16 - Down In My Soul

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Tommy doesnt remember how it happened, one moment he was collecting rocks, and the next one had collided with Schlatt's head. The man's eyes widened, and he died almost instantly, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

jschlatt was slain by spectator.

"Spectator? What the..." Ranboo backed up a bit, pulling Tubbo with him. The teen looked at Tommy for a moment, panicked and relieved somehow, at the same time.

"Its not safe here, clearly. Come on, Tubbo.." Ranboo turned around, Tubbo doing the same. The boy cast one last glance to Tommy, and everything the dead Avian had done dawned on him at once.

He just killed Schlatt.

It called him a spectator.

He killed him.
Infront of everyone.

Unknowingly his breathing sped up, his wings trembling. He clutched his head, stumbling back and leaning against a tree. Sinking to his feet, he was crying before he realized it.

Everything was a blur, everything was spinning, everything... every... oh god, ev... fuck...

"TOMMY!" Wilbur shouted, jolting Tommy from his thoughts. The boy lunged forwards, wrapping his arms around Wilbur's chest and burrowing his face into his coat. He drank in Wilbur's scent, trying to cling to the one thing that kept him on the ground.

Wilbur hugged him back, keeping a tight and firm grip on the boy. Tommy sobbed dryly, afraid of himself for what he had just done. Holy shit, he killed Schlatt. Him, TommyInnit, the boy who took his own life, killed Schlatt.

"Wilbur!" Phil called, the Elytrian rushing over. Tommy looked up, immediately curling into Wilbur when he saw the amount of anger in Phil's normally gentle and understanding eyes. "What is wrong with you? You've been acting so different recently, and you keep- just- God, Wilbur."

Wilbur kept his hold tightly around the boy, but raised his head and turned to meet Phil's glare. Slowly tracing Tommy's wings, he lulled the boy to sleep as he took a breath to snarl something back.

"Because everyone has the brain of a fucking... a fucking... a fucking snail!" Wilbur shouted the last part, his frustration bleeding through his words, dripping like venom. "Tommy's here. Hes alive. Hes safe. I've told you all thousands of times, and no one bats a single eye. He is here, he is!"

Phil stared at Wilbur in disbelief, anger seething from both origins. The Phantom held Tommy tightly, the boy teetering on the edge of sleep. The world slowly faded out into a fuzz around the dead Avian, until darkness fully fell down around him.

Wilbur noticed Tommy fall asleep, so as Phil went on about putting Wilbur on medicine or other things, he gently rested the boy on the side of the tree again. The Avian Class instantly curled up, his sides slowly rising and falling. His wings also fell limp, curling around him in a protective manner.

"Wil! Are you even listening? Look at me!" Phil hissed, pulling Wilbur away. As Wilbur stood up and whirled around to face the Elytrian, he barely saw Tubbo watching from behind a thick bush. "What the hell has gotten into you recently? You're so distant, chasing something that isnt even there!"

"I'm not chasing something that isnt there!" Wilbur snarled, clenching his hands into fists. "Tommy's here, maybe if you got your head out of hardcore, you'd see that!"

??? POV

I watched from around a corner as the Phantom and the Elytrian argued. Everything stung thanks to that slimy idiot, but at least he knew some things about sneaking around. Even if I'm normal size while Charlie is a foot or two tall, he knew how to remain unseen.

I tuned out for a moment, lost in my own thoughts and coverup stories incase I was caught. The next thing I knew, the Elytrian and the Phantom were at each others throats.

...Okay, maybe I'm overexagherating. The two were almost at each other's throats. Nothing too extreme, not yet. The way I could tell was the way the Elytrian's wings were bristling, and the way the Phantom had alot of mist coming off of him, and he didnt seem to care that there was a fire crawling up his leg from stepping into sunlight.

How interesting, I should keep a close eye on the kid.

Back to 3rd POV

"Wil, please. You must see the... The silliness of this, you're smart. I wont stop telling you- I'll show you his body! You remember where it was buried! I could show you, hes gone, okay?" Phil tried to repress all of his anger and frustration, the only sign being the fire in his eyes and the way his wings were trembling and bristling.

"I dont need your stupid medication! He's right here!" Wilbur turned to the boy he had basically just settled down to sleep, eyes widening when there was nothing there.


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