25 - Feels Like I'm Frozen

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Tommy awoke again, opening his eyes. He almost hoped that he could see color again, or something other than darkness. He wasn't surprised when everything was still pitch black, tears welling up in his eyes. How long had it been since he'd eaten? Ghosts needed to feed on the dead code of animals every few weeks, but right now Tommy felt like his ribs were poking through his frame. 

They weren't, of course, he was just forced to focus on other senses besides his sight. The slightest bit of hunger and dehydration felt much more impactful.

He had been trapped with the man for at least a week now, still unsure of why he was taken in the first place. He hadn't been physically harmed, other than when he was loud. He didn't know why he had to be quiet, it sounded like they were in a cave, anyways. 

He knew who the man was, and every time he heard his voice it make him angry. He wanted to tear the ropes off of himself and throw a rock at his head. 

Maybe, even, he'll hit him in the right spot and knock him dead. 

He's done it once, he'll do it again.


It's been a week, no signs of Tommy. 

Another three days, still nothing.

Two weeks.

The only reassurance that he was still around was the communicator never announcing a spectator dying or leaving.  

Tubbo was so worried that when he woke up in the morning (if he managed to fall asleep at all) his stomach would hurt.

Wilbur was devastated, as expected. He was infuriated aswell, ready to tear apart whoever took their Tommy. Of course, he wouldnt do that, Tubbo liked to think.

Ranboo and Jack were silent, only Ranboo being the truly quietest of the group. It was understandable, after what he witnessed.

"He'll come back." Jack whispered to himself, but even he knew it was a lie. He knew Tommy. Tommy was one of his closest friends. He wouldve come back by now if he was by himself.

"That's it, I cant take it." Tubbo stood. "I'm telling the others to help us find him," the boy started towards the door.

"Wait." Ranboo held Tubbo back by the collar of his shirt. "How can we make them see him, or believe us?"

"We need to make them believe." Tubbo met the Ender hybrid's eyes steadily. "You believed in him. You couldnt see him before, but we sparked uncertain feelings in you and you believed. You saw him."

"Yeah, but-," Ranboo winced. "Still. How do we know this'll work?"

"We don't." Tubbo bit his lip, trying to stop himself from shouting all of his feelings out. "But we're- I'm going to try. For Tommy."

"I'm helping." Wilbur stood with Tubbo.

"So am I." Jack stood beside the phantom, "You in, big man?"

Ranboo took a deep breath, nodding. He still had his doubts and hesitation, but he wasn't stupid. He knew Tubbo; the boy would do anything to get Tommy back, no matter what it may be. The group left, determined to get help from anyone.

Starting with Phil.

Wilbur knocked softly on Phil's door, waiting patiently. The other three stood a little ways away, not wanting to exactly interfere immediately. 

The door opened with a small click, the Elytrian answering the door quickly. His blue eyes reflected confusion, turning into sadness at Wilbur, then back to confusion when he saw the group behind him.

"Phil..?" Wilbur spoke quietly, like a child asking his father if he did something wrong. 

"What?" Phil asked, immediately concern pooling in the way he moved. His wings flapped idly, and the boys knew enough about Tommy to understand the emotions he was translating. 

"I know you're tired of hearing this but, I need you to listen. Could we come in?" Wilbur didn't seem like the crazed man he was before, not when he shared the same look as his friends. Phil held his breath for a moment, thinking about what he should do, before nodding. 

The Elytrian let the small group inside, offering them tea and something to eat. Ranboo and Jack accepted tea, the Ender class glad to be able to drink something, and the Blaze class being disappointed that the tea, though boiled for normal people, was somewhat cold to him. 

"Phil." Wilbur spoke first. "I know, I know, you're tired of hearing this, but I need you to listen." He repeated. Phil's wings twitched forwards, something Tubbo knew meant slight annoyance, but also keeping the twinge of concern. 

"Tommy's been taken. He was here before, but now he's not, and we don't know where he is. We need more than four people to look for him, but you can't see him." Phil opened his mouth to speak, but Wilbur kept going, raising the volume of his voice. "Neither could Ranboo, until he believed in Tommy. It sounds like a Disney movie on paper, but you need to understand that you can see him, you just need to believe. That spectator that killed Schlatt? Tommy. There are no coders on the server."

Phil didn't meet Wilbur's eyes, trying to process the information. "How can you be sure? You're getting into your own head, Wil. You all are. He's-," His voice faltered. "He's dead, we buried him. You can see his body in the grave, and we saw the message in the chat. There was no 'TommyInnit joined the game.'"

"Because he was dead!" Wilbur bit his tongue, trying to keep a calm and level voice. "It would only tell you if someone joined when they're alive."

"He- He's right." Ranboo spoke up. "I couldn't see Tommy at first, either." He fell silent, until Tubbo urged him to go on with a gentle elbow in the ribs. "I- Uh, Wil told me to uh, hold my hand in a space, and it felt a little cold. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I doubted myself and I blinked. When I opened my eyes, Tommy was there. Real Tommy."

"He visited me," Tubbo looked at the ground. "He actually cleaned my room as much as he knew and he- he drew a picture. I have it, actually."

The room was silent as Tubbo gentle pulled a paper out of his backpack, showing the portrait of the Avian and the Shulk. Phil and Wilbur's eyes widened, knowing full and well that was how Tommy drew. Not perfect, but not bad, either. Tubbo took another breath, explaining more.

"He also can't pick anything up when he's around people who can't see him, it's like the weight is multiplied by... a lot. He had a feather pen at the time, that's what he drew with. Then I thought it was Wil at first, but... Wil doesn't draw like this. Tommy does. And I believed, and he was there, just like he was always there the entire time."

"Oh." Phil glanced at Jack, "What's your story?"

"I'm from Hell," Jack smiled in slight amusement. "I can see the dead. Hey, Wil, your parrot says hi." (Wilbur paled, glancing around in panic for a moment. He killed that parrot on accident- he swears! It was a mistake, he walked the parrot into a tree on accident, it wasn't his fault the bird was stupid!"

"I don't know what's going on here," Phil said, as if they hadn't just explained it. "But I'll try. I still don't think this is right, but if you're so sure. I'll help you find Tommy."


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