10 - Who Is In

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The Avian's wings fluttered and trembled as he lay in bed, his back pressed against the wall. His headwings wrapped around his eyes, and his anklewings curled around his legs. His backwings curled around his chest, being smushed by the boy's knees. His ice-blue eyes were dulled and full of tears by now, biting his lip to keep from sobbing. 

He didn't like how Schlatt had just appeared, he didn't like that his secret wasn't much of a secret anymore. He hated how they looked at him differently once they knew that their happy best friend was the one who willingly tore off his wings in self-hate.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs that led to his room, and soon enough, Wilbur knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," Tommy called, struggling to force down the lump in his throat. His headwings hesitantly unfolded around his head when Wilbur came in, and he blinked away the tears. His backwings moved as if uncovering the boy, then wrapped around his knees and his chest.

The older immediately began to worry, walking over to Tommy hurriedly and sitting beside the boy, hugging him comfortingly. When they pulled away, Tommy was forced to meet Wilbur's eyes, seeing the oceans of worry swishing around in his mind.

"Are you okay, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, sounding just as concerned as he looked. "Was it Schlatt? Did he try something? Do I need to kill him several times, too?" 

Tommy felt something in his mind click. Did Wilbur kill Jack? Was that why the blaze-born was submerging himself in lava to heal from multiple deadly wounds? He shook his head as he stuttered out an answer.

"N-No!" He said, louder than he probably should've. "No," He repeated in a softer tone. "It- It's just ehh... I'm fine, Wilbur, I just- I just- I dont know!" Tommy was forced to give into his urges to cry, sobs wracking his body. 

"Hey- hey- shh, it's okay, shh..." Wilbur hugged the boy tightly, stroking his feathers in an attempt to calm him down. Tommy felt like he would throw up at the peace it brought him, but he didn't want to tell Wilbur that. Instead, he closed his eyes, still hiccupping, and let Wilbur softly sing him to sleep, fixing his feathers just as he had last time. 

He welcomed the darkness that rushed up to him, taking away his emotions, as he fell asleep.


The boy awoke with a jolt, breathing heavily from his nightmare. When he tried to remember what it was, all that he could recall was a black fog, only a few things memorable for the boy. What he did remember, however, was the other sitting beside him, the one he was leaning on, the one who was asleep, but still stroking his feathers.

Tommy would love to stay like this, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't want to. 

So, the Avian slowly but surely wriggled out of Wilbur's grasp, using the blanket to make it feel like he was still somewhat there. He never wished he was shorter, but in this case, he did. 

Once he was free, he crept over to the window. Casting one last glance at Wilbur, he slid the window open and jumped out. His wings spread to catch his fall, and he drifted down to the ground softly. Whispering a 'yes!' to himself, he began to run. (Normally I'd write 'he ran on winged feet' or something, but... he literally is...)

He was almost out of earshot of Wilbur (the room wasn't too insanely high up off the ground) but froze when a familiar voice called his name.

"Tommy? Tommy! Where's Wil?" Tommy felt a stone in his gut when he heard Schlatt. Why now, of all times, did the ram-hybrid want to talk to him?

Not responding, Tommy only ran faster, nearly tripping over himself a few times, almost falling on his face two of them. He didn't realize the forest opened up and spilled over a cliff-edge, so he didn't expect to suddenly fall. His wings managed to snap out of the shocked trance first, unfolding and jolting him suddenly as they softened his fall. He fell into a bush, not hesitating as he lept up and began to run again.

He ran, hearing Schlatt close behind him. How he managed the fall, he didn't know; Maybe it had something to do with his hooves? 

Tommy looked around, frantically changing course to the river. He ran as fast as he could, diving into the water and using his wings to propel him through the water. He didn't gulp enough breath in, but he didn't notice, he swam with fear and determination. The sun was beginning to rise, giving Tommy the ability to see through the water slightly better. He couldn't tell if his blood was rushing loudly in his ears or if that was the sound of Schlatt splashing behind him.

In his frantic swim, he nearly collided with Niki, the boy immedietly tucking himself into a ball and sinking to the floor of the river just before he did. He had travelled through a cave at one point, his lungs straining themselves. Tommy uncurled, shooting upwards, took a breath of air, saw Schlatt, and dunked under again.

Niki's voice slipped into his head, scaring him. He had forgotten she was a water class-based hybrid, and he whirled to face her.

"Are you okay?"

Tommy looked upwards to the blurry image of Schlatt beside the water, a ghostly figure kneeling. He couldn't see their expressions, but he did see Wilbur reach into the water, doing a 'come here' motion. Tommy's wings tucked closer to himself, and he turned back to Niki and shook his head no.

"Uh-," Niki glanced to them. "You're trying to... Get away from them?"

Tommy nodded frantically, and Niki seemed to consider giving Tommy to Wilbur and Schlatt, but flicked her  tail around for him to follow her.

Tommy took in another gasp of air, not letting himself hear his friends, and swam after Niki. His feathers were surely ruined, soaked in mud and dirty water. Surely his wings'll be stained a darker color after thi- not the time. 

He followed Niki closely, who took him through a series of tunnels. She dodged to the side, letting Tommy pass her and tumble into a room that was full of breathable air.

Tommy dramatically flopped onto the floor, sides heaving as he welcomed constant air. Niki had made a small glass enclosure it seemed, one that she could use to communicate with whoever would be in the room. She swam around to one of the vent-like things, talking to him as if she was right next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Just dandy." Tommy panted. "Don't let anyone know I'm here, please, and let me sleep for thousands of ye-,"

The water behind him moved as a trapdoor shut, and he heard a soft knocking.


Falling • OriginSMP TommyInnitWhere stories live. Discover now