15 - I Hear It Calling

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chapter title changes! the song is 'Bad Dream' by Ruelle

"What the..?" Tubbo asked, sitting on his knees tight behind Tommy. The dead Avian scooted to the side, knowing if Tubbo touched him, he'd feel like he had just sent a piece of him to Antarctica.

Tubbo held the drawing up, admiring everything on it. He had no doubt it was drawn by Tommy, but at the same time he wondered if Wilbur had done this. Tears welled up in his eyes and he moved the paper somewhere else, not wanting to wet the perfect drawing.

Tommy really wanted to tell Tubbo he was there, to comfort the crying boy. He wanted to reach out a hand, and-

A feather caught his eye.

I wonder... Tommy glanced between it and Tubbo, reaching towards it. He picked it up, gasping when he found it was only the weight of a handful of rocks. He reached it towards Tubbo, brushing the feather's soft tip against Tubbo's neck. The boy jumped, turning his head and scrambling backwards, freezing when he realized nothing was there.

Tommy laughed, smiling widely. The feather bobbed in the air with his laughs, and he watched Tubbo's expression change.

"Wil? Is that you?" Tubbo asked, frowning. He reached towards the feather, but Tommy took it back and shook it no. "Come on, man, this isn't funny."

Tommy froze at this, Tubbo really thought Wilbur was playing with him. The Avian Class pulled the notebook towards him again, writing something down and pointing at it.

'Hi, Tubbo.
I can't pick anything up
Also clean your room sometimes man, that was a pain to clean'

Tubbo would recognize that handwriting anywhere.

There was no way it wasn't him.

"Tommy?" Tubbo's voice came out as barely more than a whisper. He hoped it was Tommy. He was begging whatever lord took care of souls and spirits that it was Tommy. 

"Tubbo." Tommy smiled, knowing Tubbo couldn't hear him. He booped Tubbo with the feather gently, moments later wrapping his arms around a full-on sobbing boy. The cold he would normally feel when he came in contact with living beings was gone, replaced by a warmth. 

"So Wilbur wasn't lying, then." Tubbo said, rubbing his eyes. He suddenly looked alot frailer and much more tired. "You really are here."

Tommy smiled, his wings flapping and trembling with joy. Tubbo knew he was there. Tubbo knew he was there, holy shit. "I am," The boy chuckled softly, his own vision blurring with tears. Tubbo flinched, eyes widening and he scrambled back. He seemed to be staring directly at Tommy. 

Curiously, the Avian spirit turned around, but nothing was there. He met Tubbo's eyes again, realizing he was reflected in them.



He could see him.

"Tubbo? Can you see me?" Tommy whispered, begging with all of his heart that Tubbo wasn't just startled by a leaf or something ridiculous. 

"Tommy, it's really you.." Tubbo threw himself into Tommy's arms without hesitation, the younger too stunned to do anything. Tubbo could see him. Finally, he hugged Tubbo tightly. It was almost like a reassuring death grip, you could say. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, Tubbo, I missed you so much. I missed you so fucking much." Tommy sobbed, his wings folding around the other boy, who was also sobbing by now. (platonic)

They stayed like that, until Tubbo fell asleep. Tommy sighed, smiling, closing his eyes and losing himself in thought until birds chirped. Tubbo woke up when Tommy turned his head, blinking up at the taller with drooping eyelids.

"It wasn't a dream..." Tubbo smiled, hugging Tommy tightly, before pulling away and standing. Tommy stood aswell, looking out the window to see Wilbur creeping beneath the trees, presumably looking for Tommy. 

"Sorry, Tubs. I gotta go back to Wilbur, he'll be wondering where I am." Tommy went to the edge of the window, flexing his wings for a moment. "And, Tubbo," He turned his head to look at the boy behind him. "Don't let Wilbur know that you can see me, okay?"

Tubbo nodded wordlessly, watching as Tommy jumped off the windowsill. He drifted to the ground slowly, calling Wilbur's name. The phantom class immediately whipped around, a smile on his face when he saw Tommy running to him. 

"Visiting Tubbo, eh?" Wilbur smiled sadly. "If only you could still talk to him.."

"Yeah, yeah. Today's a bright day, don't make it sad!" Tommy snapped jokingly, laughing.

"Okay, bird boy. What're we doing today?" Wilbur rolled his eyes, smiling genuinely. 

"We could... uhhh..." Tommy didn't know what they could do. A sudden sizzling noise followed by a yelp erupted from somewhere between the trees, and Tommy saw Charlie trying to pour water onto Jack. 


"THAT'S NOT HOW IT- STOP!" Jack dove into the mines, followed by Charlie. A few moments later Charlie ran out, a noticeable amount of slime gone and some hardened on the boy. Jack was right on his tail, laughing with a bucket of lava in his hands. "YOU'RE RIGHT, THIS IS FUN!"

Tommy and Wilbur laughed, deciding to let the two quarrel and kill each other. They began to walk around, smiling, sharing jokes, and laughing. They were happy brothers again, like old times.

That is, until Schlatt walked over.

"Talking to Tommy again?" He hissed. 

"I am, actually." Wilbur's expression immediately fell, and Tommy went into the woods to retrieve a rock. He knew what would happen, they were bound to start fighting. 

Just as he found a sizeable one, he heard screams and shouts break out beyond the trees. Tommy immediately began running back, grabbing two pointed rocks he held in his free hand. 

The scene he walked back to see was not one he ever wanted to witness. 

Schlatt had a fistful of Wilbur's sweater in his hand, the older struggling to get away. Both of the men's eyes were flaring with rage as Schlatt raised a fist, ready to probably 'knock some sense' into Wilbur. 

Just as Wilbur had done to Jack, but ten times better. 

Wilbur's knee was repeatedly hitting Schlatt's stomach, both of his hands trying to unlatch and claw at Schlatt.

Tubbo and Ranboo were running over, but they would get here too late. Tubbo looked at Tommy with a puzzled expression, watching the boy raise the larger rock. He screamed something that Tommy couldn't hear, the youngest's blood boiling. How DARE he try to hurt Wilbur.

With no hesitation,  Tommy threw the rock dead directly at Schlatt's head. 

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