19 - Wake Me Up

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Tommy yawned, blinking away the heavy sleep. The boy furrowed his brow in confusion once he took in his surroundings. He searched his mind, but he couldn't remember anything that could have led up to him falling asleep on Tubbo. 

The Avian was sat beside Tubbo, resting his chin on the boy's head, which was nuzzled into the area between his shoulder and neck. Tubbo was more curled into Tommy, protectively gripping the boy's shirt in his sleep.

Pulling back ever so slightly, Tommy took in every detail of the world around him more clearly. Jack was curled in on himself on a small ledge, nearly hanging off, looking horribly sick. His blaze rods usually danced around him, even when asleep, but right now they were gloomily trembling. His expression was tight, as if he was fighting a pain. He must be, for all the water that got to him.

Tubbo shifted beside Tommy, catching the winged boy's attention. When he looked back at the boy, he realized he was still asleep. Tubbo had moved away from Tommy, now curling onto himself similar to Jack. The Avian saw this as his chance, slowly standing up and backing out of the sun-lit cave. When he deemed himself far enough, he turned tail and bolted. 

Only he knew where he was going, and only he knew why.

Tubbo stirred at the sound of the boy running away, too late at opening his eyes to realize it was Tommy. The Shulk Class yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes for a moment. When he blinked a few times to regain himself, he immediately saw Jack. He shook the last drops of water from his hair, studying the older infront of him.

Gasping quietly, the boy climbed up the steep rock that led to Jack's perch. He gently shook the Blaze boy, careful to avoid the probably searing hot rods that orbited him. 

Jack groaned, drowsily opening his eyes and blinking until he was focused. He sat up slowly, looking as if he was going through hell and back as he silently sat up, giving Tubbo a questioning look. 

"Are you okay, man? You got pretty soaked last night and you don't look so good." Tubbo pointed out hesitantly, as if Jack would immediately snap at him or something. 

"No," Jack rasped. "I don't feel well."

"Okay, well, I'll go get Tommy, and we'll leave and get you some help, okay?" Tubbo would've patted Jack's shoulder, but he had a feeling that would hurt the boy more, so he just slid down the rock. Only then did he realize there was no Avian boy to be seen.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhkay, then." Tubbo realized the footsteps must've been Tommy's. "Come on, Jack, Tommy's gotten a head start."

The Blaze Class said nothing as he floated off the edge of the rock, wincing and taking in sharp breaths. He limped after Tubbo, who couldn't take the sight and offered to help him. So, soon enough, Jack had an arm slung around Tubbo's shoulder, the younger having the same position but more careful with the injured man.

It took a painfully long time (especially to Jack) but they eventually they made it back to the makeshift village, greeted by a very sickened, worried Elytrian.

"Hey, Tubbo, hey, Jack." He said, his wings ruffled (something unusual for the normally neat man), lightly bouncing on his heels.

"You okay, Phil?" Tubbo asked. The man shook his head, biting his lip. He looked like he was considering saying something, but took in a breath to say it anyways.

"Tommy's grave was dug out." Tubbo exchanged glances with Jack, who gave him a 'what did you do' look. The boy was about to say something, but Phil cut in before he could say anything. "Eouch, Jack, you don't look so good. Give him to me, I can help, you go on your way. After a storm like that, you should get some rest."

Tubbo didn't tell Phil that he had already rested, simply letting the Elytrian take Jack. 

Tubbo trudged back to his house, his shirt sticking to him by how soaked he had been. Now, he was just somewhat dry, mostly soaked still. Disgust piled into him when he was finally in his room, peeling the shirt off of himself. Tossing it aside, he went over to his makeshift shower and let the freshwater from his own backpack soak and clean him. When he stepped out of it, he was immediately dry, as if he had never been in water. 

(The logic to Minecraft is funny, the boy thought. Rainwater soaks and drenches you, but any water that comes from your own inventory will leave you dry afterwards.)

He put on a new shirt, then laying onto his bed. He rubbed his eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted. Tubbo probably fell asleep for a few minutes, stirring from it at the soft knocking at his door. A creak followed it after as a familiar bicolored Ender Class entered. 

"Are you okay?" Ranboo asked, nervously shuffling on his feet. Tubbo mewled out a yawn, before nodding. "Did I catch you at a bad time..?"

"No, no," Tubbo waved his hands, but his movements were slow as sleep tried to lull him back into its maw. "'s not a bad time."

"You seem to be saying otherwise," Ranboo said in a soft voice. He couldn't help but chuckle at the tired boy's behavior, walking over to him and picking him up. Ranboo held the boy with one arm, using the other to pull back his bedsheets. Then, slowly and carefully, he lowered the teen into the bed and pulled the blankets over him. Tubbo passed out immediately, snoring softly. 

Ranboo smiled once more, before turning and leaving the room, making sure to shut the door quietly behind him. The Ender hybrid climbed down the ladder of the expanded treehouse, deciding he didn't like the height and teleporting to the ground. 

Going out to collect food and maybe go mining, Ranboo narrowly avoided running into Wilbur. The honey-colored sweater-wearer froze in surprise, a squeak of protest coming from behind him. Then, his expression changed completely, an oddly happy smile on his face. Jack stumbled out from behind him, giving Ranboo a regretful glance.

"Hey, Ranboo." Wilbur greeted. "Do you know where Tubbo is?"

"He's... in his house." Ranboo responded uneasily.

"Okay, thanks, come on, Jack."

"I'm so sorry, Ranboo." Jack whispered before following Wilbur.

Ranboo stood there in complete confusion, a flame of fear flicking to life inside of him. Did he just say something he wasn't supposed to? Why was Jack sorry? Was Tubbo in trouble?

There went his plans to hunt, he thought, dropping into a crouch behind the bushes and following the Ghost and the Blaze from a distance.

He won't let them lay a finger on Tubbo.

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