5 - I Can't Help

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Tommy woke up at Phil's house again, curled up comfortably on his bed. He yawned and stretched, his wings splaying in all directions. The sun glared at him yet again, watching through his window. He sighed, trying to recall the memories of last night.

He remembered the decorated cave Ranboo had made, and how the Ender Class had comforted him, trying to get him to talk about... His bloodied cave. He remembered hugging Ranboo, but after that, everything's fuzzy. A faint memory of someone stroking his wings ran through his head, and Tommy's eyes widened slightly.

I didn't fall asleep on him, did I?

He wasn't disturbed by this, only wondering how Ranboo reacted. He seemed safe and fine, so hopefully that meant something good. His wings fluttered, and only then he realized how messy they were, feathers sticking out and poking him.

Tommy sighed, preening his wings. He still had his fluffier, almost dewey feathers, the ones that came off naturally as he aged. He huffed at this, batting his wings and watching loose feathers fall to the ground. There weren't that many, luckily, but it was still enough for Tommy to conclude that his wings were clean. The feathers, previously puffed up, were now smoothed, giving him both less of a headache, and more confidence.

Tommy drifted off into his own world, walking out of Phil's house and heading towards the forest again. It was instinct, really. (or at least, that's what he told himself) He came to a stop, momentarily questioning what he was doing. He had subconsciously begun to pick up shredded sticks and flowers off of the ground, and was fidgeting with them to tie them together.

"Tommy!" A familiar voice called, and the Avian Class turned around. His wings fluttered with happiness at the sight of his might-as-well-be-brother, Tubbo. The boy carried around a purple back-pack looking object, his brown hair fluffed up so that he could see.

"Tubbo! Hey!" Tommy greeted, half-jogging to Tubbo. "What're you?"

"I'm a SHULK!" Tubbo smiled. Tommy was able to recognize this, but he thought it was funny they way Tubbo explained it. The back-pack gave him extra inventory, something he would probably- hopefully- use well.

"Any beehives in there yet?" Tommy joked, laughing harder when Tubbo's eyes lit up and he set the bag onto the ground, opening it at an eager pace. He dug into it, eventually pulling out a beehive, dry of honey, but soon to be full of it, no doubt.

"You bet! I let Ranboo and Phil name the bees, too! Their names are Benny, Blueberry, and Bartholomew." He smiled at Tommy. The younger could easily pick out who named which bee, and visibly flinched backwards when one of them popped out of the hive and plopped its plump, fuzzy body onto Tubbo's shoulder.

"This ones Benny," Tubbo chuckled, reaching up to stroke the bee softly. Tommy smiled at the sight, enjoying the thought of Tubbo always having a friend nearby.

"I'm gonna go now, I think Jack's in the overworld now." Tommy gestured behind him, mentally facepalming when he realized the makeshift town was literally just through the trees ahead.

Beginning to stride towards the trees, he heard Tubbo offhandedly say 'wrong way', turning right with an "I knew that."

He pushed through the trees, tucking his wings behind him. He wondered what Jack looked like- Maybe he had some sort of cool Blaze Rod... Shield? What were those things on the blazes called again? Tommy imagined different design possibilities for Jack, then feeling something wet drip onto him from above.

"I swear to god, if a bird just shat on me, I'm going to- The fuck?" Tommy looked at his shoulder, his wings twitching in discomfort when he realized it was slime. The green goo had been drooled seemingly from the trees

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