8 - You Should Be

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Tommy fluttered his wings, beating them far harder than he should. He was in the air, gliding and trying to fly. He knew he wasn't built for flying, but it was worth a try. 

After a few moments of this, he gave up and just glided. He couldn't fly very well at all, and trying to do so only tired him out. The boy angled his wings carefully, tucking them into a dive position and dropping downwards, just barely catching himself before he broke his neck. He had told Tubbo that he'd help him out today, the older wanted to make a room for his bees. 

"TUBBO!" Tommy shouted, knocking lightly on the trapdoor. Something fell backwards out of the tree just behind him, landing with an audible 'oof'. Tommy flinched, floating down to the side of the Shulker Class. 

The older sprung up immediately, as if he hadn't just fallen out of a tree. Excitement sparked in his eyes, like an ocean on a sunny day.

"Tommy! Tommy! Can we go now? Can we? I found a flower forest not too far from here, it's huge!" Tubbo's brain seemed to move much faster than his mouth could, tugging Tommy's sleeve to follow him. Tommy couldn't help but chuckle, his wings subconsciously fluttering with a happiness he would usually keep hidden. 

He ran with Tubbo, the wind feeling nice as it slid through and over his feathers and hair. Soon enough, they had passed through five biomes, coming to a stop at a cliffside. Tommy gasped at what he saw below, his eyes wide in awe as he took it all in.

A flower forest, filled to the brim with flowers of every color. Even the rarer kinds of plants were growing as if they were common, flowers with black or white (or maybe both) drowning in the colorful land. It was as if someone had flown up to the sky and pulled a rainbow down, folding it over the forest. Tommy had seen flower forests before, but nothing this beautiful. 

"Hop on my back." Tommy turned to Tubbo, grinning with a light in his eyes. Tubbo, despite his own excitement, seemed taken aback by this.

"You won't be able to float with me on you, I'll weigh you down," Tubbo tilted his head.

"I will, come on, try it!" Tommy had a look of determination on his face when Tubbo climbed onto his back, wrapping his arms around the younger's shoulders and neck. 

"Tommy, are you really sure this will- wOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Tubbo was cut off when Tommy launched himself off the side of the cliff, spreading his wings in a wide arc. Tommy glided down as if Tubbo wasn't even there, occasionally flapping his wings for a small boost.

The boy soared over the forest, still admiring the colors, finding a spot to land. He flew over an empty hollow, just barely flooded with flowers. "Hold on!" He warned, not giving Tubbo any time as he dove again. Tubbo yelped in fear, eyes wide, as they plummeted to the ground. 

Tommy angled himself differently, spreading his wings to soften the fall. They landed almost like a slightly overweight feather, Tubbo immediately dropping himself in a bush once Tommy touched the ground. The older sat there for a moment, looking traumatized.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Tommy asked, facing the opposite direction as he took in all the sights and scents of the rivers of flowers around him. The trees might as well be oversized flowers, or at least made of flowers, for how they look. 

When he didn't get a response for a few moments, Tommy turned around, beginning to worry as he walked over to his friend sitting on the ground. "Tubbo? Did I hurt you?"



Falling • OriginSMP TommyInnitWhere stories live. Discover now