Ch 31 She Happened

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Colton's POV

Dean? I asked through the mind link. No response. Dean, where are you? I tried again. Nothing. I knew Jess was still okay but there's not many reasons Dean wouldn't respond. I highly doubt he was sleeping right now so that concerned me.

It was hard to get to Ro's house once we left the woods. Running as wolves and trying not to gather attention from humans was hard in a subdivision. Our only other option was to walk through town naked and that was not a good idea either, so we stayed in wolf form.

Once I got closer, I smelt the blood and began to worry. Remember that you can feel her through your link and she's okay, Cayden voices to me.

Thanks, Cayden. I needed that. I've never had this worry before...

You've also never had a lost mate before. He reminded me.

Man, how do alphas still lead while feeling all this worry?

That's something we will learn together. She will make us better. Just be brave and keep moving.

Alpha, we will get her back. She's gonna be fine, Brian's voice came through the link.

Alright, let's check out the house. I know you smell what I do so be ready for a surprise attack.

I carefully jumped from the bushes and made my way into the back yard, moving to the back, sliding glass doors. I used my snout to nudge the door open, thankfully it was unlocked.

With the pack behind me we slowly entered in to the dining area. I could smears of blood on the walls, floor and furniture. The pack spread out to check various rooms.

Alpha, there is a rogue body in the kitchen. Someone shredded him to pieces. Riley announced.

Two Rogues in the living room... I think. Blake reported.

You think? I asked back.

Yeah... someone, or something, literally torn them apart. Here's a leg, there's an arm, I think that used to be a torso... There is a trail that leads out the front door. Someone is alive still.

There's another two in the hallway, Riley informed the pack.

There's three more bodies in the den, Leila spoke.

That's eight rogues. Who knows how many ran away with their tails between their legs. They got their butts handed to them that's for sure. I didn't find Dean or Jesse, but they were definitely here. I don't think her friend is here either. Can you sense her, Alpha? Brian asked me.

I closed my eyes again shutting out the carnage and focused on my Jess.
Yes, let's get out of here. Blake, Riley, Reece, you know what to do.

Copy that, Alpha. Ladies, let's make us a campfire! Blake chanted.

Blake, really, read the room. Riley voiced.

I did!! No human bodies or friendlys, you want to get the marshmallows or shall I? Blake asked with a grin.

You're so stupid, came from Reece as Brian, Leila and I walked back out to the back yard. I led the way back to bushes to sneak farther into the subdivision. Several house down, a woody area came into view. I could smell Dean and Jesse's scent. It was mixed with another that I am assuming is her friend.

Once in the woods, we were able to move faster without being seen. I heard an explosion behind us. The dogs are roasting and we are hot on your tail, Blake laughed out through the mind link.

Good job, try and keep up, pup. Brian responded back.

Who you calling pup, Rover? We already caught up slow pokes. Blake jested back.

Knock it off guys, you can play fetch later. Focus. Leila chided.

Blood, it's Dean's. I voiced breaking out into a full run. All joking aside now, we ran together effortlessly. The amount of blood we tracked became worrisome. A few minutes more of running and we broke into a large clearing. Dean was ten foot into it lying naked on the ground. A huge gash starting at his left shoulder ended by his right hip. He had a few other minor injuries but this was the one causing all the blood loss. I shifted quickly and knelt down to where he was laying.

"Took you long enough." Dean rasped out.

"Dean, what happened? We saw all the rogues in the house. Where is Jesse and her friend, do you know?"

"She happened." He coughed out and nodded off to the other side of the clearing. When my eyes followed his line of direction, I saw her, my Snowflake. She was laying on the ground with her head up and alert, watching us. The black side of her looked normal and glossy, but the white side of her, told a different story. Her fur was red, having been coated in blood. The distinct color had bile rising up in my throat.

"Jesse!" Leila yelled after shifting and started running toward her. Jesse's wolf stood and prepared to attack. She lowered her head and began growling. Leila quickly came to a stop and raised her hands in surrender, backing up quickly, "Jess, it's okay, it's just us." Brian's wolf walked slowly up to Leila to stand next to her. Once Leila backed up to where Dean was, Journey laid back down.

"It's not Jesse. It's 100% Journey. She wouldn't let me get any closer than this." Dean said. "That's why I am way over here."

"Was she the one... did she do that to you?" Leila asked pointing to his chest.

"No. No, she saved me. You saw the house, the rogues. She did that." Dean spoke in awe.

"Where's her friend?" I asked Dean.

"She has her. She knows that's my mate but won't let me get close to her." He responded softly.

I slowly stood from Dean and took a few steps  toward Journey. "Hey, Snowflake." She just stared at me. I took two more slow steps and she began to softly growl. I lifted my hands just like Lelia did and stopped walking. "It's me, Snowflake." She just repositioned herself but made no move to attack. I decided to switch tactics and to use the mind link instead. Hey, Snowflake. She didn't respond. I took a slow step forward putting me about a quarter of the way into the clearing.

Journey, thank you for keeping her safe. I told her. Can I talk to Jesse?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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