Ch 9 The Next Morning

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Jess's POV

I read them again. And again. And again. Tears pierced my eyes for the pain of my parents. For the urgency of their situation and what they must of been feeling.

I carefully folded the papers and put them back into the envelope. I stared at the sky with all its stars and wonders. It always captured my attention. The words that I didn't understand from the letter broke through. Their pack was attacked. Beloved alpha. Murdered. Beta. On the run. Hide me with humans. My true self when I was of age. All of these thoughts circled my mind as I just stared at my favorite masterpiece.

I don't even know when I drifted off to sleep but my mother woke me and asked if I felt up to going to school. She had long ago stopped worrying about me catching a chill on the balcony at night. It was one of my 'enhanced' things we don't really talk about.

"So how bout it, hun, you think you want to try to make it through school?" She asked when I sat, still thinking about it. "Nothing is going to change. The info is still going to be in the letter, it's still going be overwhelming you, and overtaking your other thoughts. Going to school and keeping some normalcy may help to process. However, if you want to stay here with me today, we can spend the day together, that's an option too. We can drive, we can bake goodies, we can Netflix it, we can dissect and discuss the letters and what happened, whatever you want."

My mom knew me so well. "I don't really know, Mom. I kind of want to go to try to take my mind off things but I know it's still going to be there and I will have trouble focusing. The thought of spending the day with you sounds great as well." I said with a smile.

"How about both, then? You go, and if at any time you want to come home, text me. I'll stop what I'm doing, and I will come get you. We can do whatever you want." She questioned.

"Deal." I answered as I checked the clock. Ro would be here in ten minutes.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom, showered, wrapped myself in a large towel and made my way back to room. As I found my clothes, I shut my balcony doors, dressed and was ready to go within 9 minutes. A new record. As I ran down the stairs headed to the front door, my mother met me with a smile.

"I will make sure to keep my phone near me all day." She said as she held up a ziplock bag that had apple slices, a granola bar and an on the go yogurt squeeze.

I stopped in my tracks and smiled. "Thanks, Mom. I love you"

"Love you, too." She smiled back.

I walked out surprised to see Ro wasn't here yet. But Dean was.

"Hey, what's up? What are doing here?" I asked

"Nothing much, really. I just wanted to check on after last night and ask if maybe I could walk you to school?" He replied.

"That's really kind of you. First: I'm processing. Second: I actually don't walk to school, my friend takes me, she's just not here yet. Which is really weird because she's always punctual."
I responded. "Do you remember that I wanted to show you something last night?"

"Yeah?" He waited for me to continue.

"I got to read letters last night from my birth parents. That's what I was gonna show you. Well, read with you. One, to my parents who raised me and one to me. Knowledge really does help with fear and the unknown. But I'm afraid I have just as many if not so many more questions."
I softly laughed.

Dean's POV

I had to go about this carefully. I would be there for her but I couldn't be too eager or offer too much info. I saw her reading last night in her hammock. That must be the letters she is speaking of. I still didn't know how much she knew or didn't know.

"I'm glad you found some peace and solace in knowing that your parents loved you, and didn't just drop you on any ole doorstep." I told her with a half smile. "You can show them to me any time you want."

"Yeah, thanks for the advice last night. It really helped." Jess thanked me right as a noisy, white pick up truck came into view. My wolf went crazy. It was super excited but then super angry. I felt my self shaking and knew my eyes were blacking out and I had to calm down.

I took a few steps back as the truck pulled to a stop at the curb. I didn't want too. I needed too. I wanted to run to the driver. The beautiful, sandy-blonde, athletic woman who just so happened to be my mate. In a vehicle, with another unmated man. Calm down, Dean, calm down.

Jess went over the passenger side and the man who had the nerve to be eyeing me down, jumped out and gave her a hug. "Hey, Jess. You ok?" He asked not letting her go.

"Yea," she responded. I looked at my mate and smiled at her. She softly smiled back at me. Just like that, I could already feel myself calming down. "Axel, this is my friend Dean. He helped me find my way home last night when I got lost on a run. Dean, this is my brother Axel." Jess introduced us.

"Hey man, thanks." Axel told me as he held out his hand for a bro shake. I accepted and then we leaned in farther for a quick bro hug.

"I'm going inside to get some sleep." Axel said walking toward the door. "Once we got back to her house, you're little friend here kept me up all night-" A growl ripped from my throat and then Axel was on the flat of his back with me standing over him.

I spoke slowly but powerfully, "Be very careful with what comes out of your mouth next." I knew I had to think of something quick to cover my actions so I quickly added, "Where I come from, we don't disrespect women." Then I turned around and ran. I was gonna shift and I needed the cover of the woods.

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