Ch 26 More Q & A's

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Colton's POV

"Journey, what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled sitting up.

"Awe... don't act like you didn't like it." She said.

"Of course, I liked it, Journey, but how do you think Jesse would've felt? Huh? Especially with it being her first time?? You could've made me lose her. You could've lost your mate. You can't just take over like that?" I was screaming at this point.

"Are you okay? You seem very angry?" Jesse asked.

I look over to her and into her eyes to see in fact, it truly is Jesse. Journey gave up control.

"Yeah, Snowflake, come here." I answered in a normal tone now.

She crawled over and sat in my lap. I put my head in the crook of her neck and took in her scent to help calm me down.

"Does taking in your mate's scent help calm you down?" She asks.

I nod my head yes. "It helps calm you, and makes you overall, just... so content."

"You were angry? Did I do something?" She asked me.

"No, no, Snowflake. Nothing at all. Your wolf and I, we had a little disagreement is all." I answered.

"Well, you were screaming and now she's locked away crying so I wouldn't call it a little disagreement. Please don't keep it from me. Please tell me." She begged.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask her rubbing her cheek.

She closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "You pulled me down to lay with you, we were snuggling. I kissed your cheek and you asked what is was for. I answered, 'for being you.' Then I was across from you and heard you scream 'like that'." She answered me.

"Well, let's just say it escalated quickly." I whispered.

"Uh.... what?" She questioned and I could feel her tense in my arms.

"Look, I want you to know before I give you the details, we just made out and the whole thing was about five minutes."

"Oookaaaayy...." she answered, relaxing a little bit waiting for me to elaborate.

"Well, when Journey took over, she continued kissing my cheek, like you did. Several times. But then she quickly moved to my mouth. She climbed on me, straddling me. I was trying to ask if you were alright, if you were sure you knew what you were doing, because, ya know... it was getting hot and heavy and that's when I realized you weren't in control. I pushed her off of me right away. Journey tried again and that's when I started yelling." I was upset again at this point, losing my cool. "She tried to get you raped and I told her she could have made me lose my mate. That she could've lost her mate because of it. That's why she is crying. That's why I was screaming." I finished and hung my head. I couldn't look at her. I couldn't look at her because I almost did lose control. I almost hurt her.

Jesse's POV

He was hurting. I could feel it. He was in so much pain. How could I be feeling so strongly what he was feeling? He looked so sad and he wouldn't even look at me.

I put both my hands on his face and brought his face up to look at mine. That's when I noticed the tears. I used my thumbs to wipe away his tears. "This is not your fault. You did not hurt me. You stopped me from getting hurt. You protected me. You didn't let anything happen to me." I told him and I rested his forehead against mine.

He wrapped his arms around me and held onto me. I pushed him back so we could lay down and I just held him like he did for me earlier in the woods. He held me and I held him. Soon, his breaths were even and I knew he was sleeping. Journey had locked herself away and wouldn't let me talk to her. I wish I could see Colten and study him while he was sleeping, it was just too dark to see anything. I finally felt myself getting drowsy so I snuggled into Colten and closed my eyes.

A loud scream woke me from a deep sleep. "What?!" I looked around but Colten was gone, I quickly undid the zipper and ran out of the tent. "Colten! Where are you? Leila? Blake? Guys?"

No answer. "Guys!?"

Another scream. In the woods. It was Ro. Oh no. I started running. I had to help her. I shifted into my wolf and ran as fast as could.

I could hear Ro crying. "Please, don't. Don't hurt him." Then she screamed out in pain. I could see her up in a clearing up ahead. I tried running faster but it's like I wasn't moving, like I wasn't getting any closer.

I could see a wolf with blood dripping from its mouth and a body on the ground. I couldn't tell who it was but they were moving, they were alive. The wolf moved away from Ro, stood over the guy and Ro start screaming. I growled with everything in me to get their attention and the wolf looked up and locked eyes with me. This wolf looked at me with an evil smirk and then tore the man's throat-

"WAKE UP!!!" Colten said loudly while shaking my shoulders. I rubbed my face with hands. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

My heart was racing, I was covered in sweat and my breathing was erratic. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, it was just so real. What was I doing?" I ask as I look up at him.

"What weren't you doing? You were thrashing, kicking, yelling, growling, hitting... ow, by the way." He said but with a smile. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not much to talk about. I woke up in the tent, you all were gone. I heard a scream. My friend, Ro, was in the woods with someone on the ground and a wolf was attacking them. I tried to get to them but no matter how hard I ran, I couldn't get to them." I said. "So, um... do you think you can get off of me now?" I asked because Colton was sitting on me, straddling my waist.

"Oh, yeah, uh... Sorry." He blushed and laughed. "Like I said, you were thrashing quite a bit..." He said as he nervously scratched his neck.

"Hey, you're bleeding. Your neck is bleeding. What happened?" I jumped up on my knees and got a better look at his neck.

He blushed again and looked away. "Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Colten. Tell me. Why are you bleeding?" I demanded.

He took a deep breath, "Before I pushed Journey away last night, she started to mark me, but she didn't finish it, so it's bleeding." He answered.

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