Ch 11 Answers

11 1 1

Jess's POV

I finished out the day but I wasn't very productive. I fell asleep a few times and for the first time in never, I didn't stay after. I got on the bus and went straight home. Another first. I went straight to my hammock and just collapsed.

Tomorrow was my birthday and I was actually worried because of the letter. It warned me that I would begin to change. Along with all the other things I didn't understand... alpha, beta, left with humans.... someone was looking for me. Alpha King. What was I? What was gonna happen to me?! When? Tonight at midnight? Tomorrow at school?? The letter warned me to control my anger... ha, someone better tell Dean to control his anger. Axel didn't see it coming this morning.

Wait.... I started thinking about everything that had happened since my mom and dad sat me down. I tried to go over every conversation or interaction I had had. There was one thing in common with the weird and I think I knew who could give me answers. I just had to sit down with them face to face. I was ready to find out.

I pulled out my phone and found the name. I smiled as I read the name Stone Wall. I hit the call button and put the phone to my ear when ringing started going off in the woods, right behind my house.

Of course, more weird. Dean stepped out from behind a tree, threw his hands and hollered, "How did you know I was already here?"

"I didn't, but you should really learn to put your phone on vibrate before spying on someone. Dean, why are hiding in my back yard?" I asked.

"I'm not really hiding, I'm more less scoping... for your brother." He said shyly.

I chuckled, "With the moves from this morning, you shouldn't be worried about him. Since you're here, I was calling to ask if we could talk. Privately."

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" He asked me.

"Not here. Private private. Can we go some where? Do you have to be anywhere?" I asked him.

"No, I'm free, do you want to go for a walk, or did you have somewhere else in mind?" He responded.

"A walk is fine for now, but we do need to walk where we can't be over heard or interrupted." I answered.

"That's fine, I know a place. Do you have your phone? Don't want you to get in trouble on my account." He asked with a smile.

"I do, thank you." I said as I pulled it out of my back pocket. "Just let me text my mom real quick and let her know I'm leaving to go for a walk. Okay, and done. I'm ready. So, safe talk for now until we get to our location. So... Ro?" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows and looked at him.

"And who agreed that was safe?" He replied as he took off and I ran after him.

I thought I knew everything of my town but Dean proved to me I didn't. I chased him outside of town, through a different set of woods then where we originally met and into a clearing.

"Watch your step." Dean spoke.

Upon further inspection, it wasn't just a clearing, it was the top of a cavern. I slowly made my way closer to the cliff like edge. There was a beautiful crystal, clear, blue, lagoon at the bottom. It was something you see in National Geographic. "I never knew this was here."

"Only experienced people can access it. Any one can jump in but to get out, you have to swim in underwater caves and then hike out so it's not advertised. The only people who know about it, are the people who know about it." He said knowingly.

"It should be posted! There are no signs!! What if kids come out here!?"
I said outraged.

"It's protected Native Lands. Kids don't know about it. You didn't. There are other protections in place. Trust me, it'll be okay." Dean calmly replied.

This was a fight for another day, I remembered my reasoning for meeting him. I wanted to come outright and ask him but I had no clue what to ask.

"If I ask you questions, will you be one hundred percent honest with me?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"How will I know you are answering honestly?" I pressed

"I wished I had a magical answer for you Jess but you'll just have to trust and believe me." He answered again.

"You're different...enhanced like me." I said.

"That's not a question." Dean replied.

"You are different like me, right? Exactly like me?" I asked this time.

"Yes." He answered.

"So you know what I am?" I whispered.

"Yes." He answered again.

"Are we different?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"I don't think so." He said.

"But we are not human?" I said.

"No." He answered.

"Do 'we' hurt people?" I asked.

"No, 'we' in general, protect innocent people. There are times when evil people meet evil fates but we do not hurt innocent people." Dean answered.

"What am I?" I asked.

"You are you. You are still Jess. No matter what else you are, you are still you. You are only gaining another side of yourself so don't freak out or think your not yourself okay?" He told me as I nodded. "Along with your amazingly cool self, you are also a wolf. You are a werewolf. Your wolf has a name and you have a name. You are one in the same." He said.

I just sat and listened. Trying to take it in. I was left with humans. The wolf bracelet. You are a werewolf. Could this be true.

"Will it hurt? My mom wrote that when I come of age, I will change?" I asked.

"It does hurt, your first shift. You just don't know when it will happen. Just that it happens on you 18th birthday." He answered.

"Oh great!" I moaned.

"What, what is it?" He asked.

"My 18th birthday... that's tomorrow." I answered.

"Hey!!! Happy Senior Skip Day my friend!! Looks like we will be spending the day together tomorrow teaching you how to be a wolf. PS. Keep it on the down low. You're not allowed to tell anybody. Wolf law."

I just groan as I am introduced into Wolf 101.

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