Ch 15 Training

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Jesse's POV

I woke up in pain. My whole body. Not excruciating, screaming my head off pain but I was very uncomfortable. I couldn't lay here any longer. Ro and Dean were sleeping and snuggled up wrapped in each other arms.

I started walking around and I stretched my arm muscles. It brought some relief so I decide maybe a run would help. The outer perimeter of the cavern and clearing was quite large. I would stick to the clearing and stay out of the woods.

I took off quietly not to disturb Ro and Dean. I started at a light jog but quickly found myself picking up the pace, taking longer and longer strides. It was almost like I was giving air to my bones. I had done about five laps around the clearing so far.

"Your bones are stretching." Dean said popping out from behind a tree as I was passing by.

"Jesus Christ, Dean! What are you trying to do?!? Kill me?!?" I yell at him as He made me jumped.

He just laughed. Hard. "Wow, you scare easily." He said still laughing.

"Yeah, well, you have the last few days I have had and see if you are not jumpy. Hey, that reminds me. Can you teach me to to fight? You know, at least defend myself." I asked him.

"Sure, that's not a bad idea. And we will have time to spare today too so I can show you some stuff today while we wait for you to shift." He told me.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I said.

"Let's grab a granola bar and we can start now. Ro is still sleeping. It's only about 5am. Hey, by the way. Happy Birthday." Dean said with a small smile.

"I had kind of forgotten all about that." I said hanging my head. "I'm not really in the mood to celebrate right now. I would rather really just get to the defense stuff. I want to be prepared."

"I understand, just know that I am here. I will protect you. And my Alpha to be, Colton, is on his way here with warriors to help bring us home. You have nothing to worry about." Dean told me.

"Except I have Alpha King to worry about. He has already proven that he can get to me. Even with you here. He had already taken the people that I love and he hasn't even lifted a finger. That fire that you set, is going to raise some flags so even if our scent is covered here, he knows I'm close by or was not long ago. He may not just send one tracker this time, he may send several. He may even come himself. Will your alpha be here before Alpha King gets here?" I let out all my worries to him.

"Ok, first things first..." Dean started and we began training.

Ro's POV

I woke up with the sun on my face, on a soft blanket but a very hard ground.
Yesterday's events came flooding back to mind. I sat up quickly to find myself alone. Oh no, where's Jess, is she ok?!?

I quickly look around to see her and Dean across the field together. A pang of jealousy sort of went through me. I've never been the jealous sort and never of Jesse. She's my best friend. My sister. I'll love that girl forever. My heart is breaking for. It looks like her and Dean are sparring. There's a little footwork, a few combinations, and then it gets intense. It's no longer friendly. Jesse is throwing punches to Dean's head and ribs and he is blocking most of them Dean is throwing punches back just as much. Jesse is blocking too but she isn't blocking everything!! He's gonna hurt her!! "STOP!!!!" I scream out as I start running toward them!!! They are so into the fighting they can't hear me yet. I keep running staying focused on them. "STOP!!!!" I scream again completely focused on them. They finally stop and turn and look at me when I realize I was so focused on them, I didn't realize where I was going or where I was. I had just run off the edge of a cliff and there was nothing but water under to catch me. I instantly became terrified became because I didn't know how to swim.

Jesse's POV

I had been working out and sparring with Dean all morning and I had to say, that I loved it. It was as easy as breathing and Dean told me I was a natural. I had already picked up several defensive and offensive moves and was quite comfortable in executing them. We were in a sparring match when we heard Ro yell for us. That's when I saw her fall into the lagoon.

"Oh my God." Slipped from my lips.

I was already running and heading for the cliff. I scream to Dean as I was running, "SHE CAN'T SWIM!!!"

I knew then he was right behind me. When I reached the cliff, I jumped out as far as I could throw myself and dove into the water. I swam as hard as I could. The lagoon was large but wasn't huge.

Finally, I reached Ro. She had a terrified look on her face but it turned to relief once I grabbed her arm. Dean wrapped his arm around her waist and started swimming up. We broke the surface and she started crying. Dean held her to him with her head on his shoulder.

"Ro, it's ok, Love. You're okay." I told her. "It's gonna be okay."

"I'll do everything in my power to never let anything happen to you. I got you, Baby Girl." Dean told Ro.

After Ro calmed down she finally asked, "Why were you guys fighting?"

"I'm so sorry, we weren't actually fighting. Dean was teaching me, training me how to protect myself." I answered.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." Dean and I both said at the same time with the same smile.

"I was so worried when I saw you guys fighting." She admitted as she watched me tread water. "So.... um... how do we get out of this water bowl?" Ro asked.

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