{14} 𝚄𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕 {14}

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That night, Phil and Kristin were in the park, enjoying the nighttime breeze. Kristin was used to the cool breeze at this point, however, Phil was wearing a coat over a sweater and wrapped his wings around himself, and he was still shivering.

Kristin laughed, earning a glare from the angel. From the outside, his glare looked angry, menacing, even.

But the couple knew better. She knew he wasn't really angry. Annoyed? Maybe. But angry? Definitely not. One of the many things she loved about the angel was that he didn't have a short fuse. It took him a lot to make him genuinely angry. Even when he was scolding his boys, he was never angry with them, not really, he was just being the parent the boys needed.

"You know," Phil said. "I never understood why you look so...human...when you're the Angel of Death."

It was Kristin's turn to glare at her lover. "Why do angels look like humans, minus the giant wings?"

The angel shrugged as the two continued to walk through the quiet park. The only other people there were two guys, who looked anywhere between twenty and twenty-five, who were fighting about lord knows what, though from what Phil was able to catch from the argument, it most likely had something to do with muffins.

"There's an angel nearby," Kristin said suddenly, looking toward the couple in the distance. "And no, I don't mean you..."

"What does it matter?" Phil asked. Now he felt the presence of his brethren, but he didn't care at this point. "They're not doing any harm."

Still, Kristin drew nearer. Far enough away for the couple to not notice them, but close enough to hear the quite loud argument.

"I don't know, it just felt right!" One said. His voice was high, with a childish tone, despite the age he looked. Phil figured that he looked older than he was, or that he acted younger than he should.

"So just randomly kissing me just felt right to you!?" Said the other. His voice was a much higher pitch than his counterpart. He also looked to be a tad bit shorter than the other, though it was hard to tell in the dark.

"Bad, I'm sorry, okay!?" The first one said.

'Bad' scoffed. "I can't believe you, Geppy."

'Geppy' winced at the harsh tone. "I'm sorry..."

Phil gently tugged on Kristin's arm, pulling her away from the argument. They were intruding, after all.


It was midnight now.

Phil and Kristin were sitting on a hill, the grass dead surrounding the Angel of Death, and flowers blooming around the angel.

"I know that we already arranged this, but considering that we're going to become mortals in about a year, I might as well do the ritual that humans do when picking a mate for life," Phil spoke softly, pulling a small black box out of his coat.

Kristin gasped, putting a hand over her mouth.

No words were spoken. No words needed to be spoken. The two just looked at each other, each and every word written in their eyes, for there were no words imaginable for the immense amount of love shared between the two.

So, as the ring was slipped on Death's finger, the world stood still, even just for a moment.

Then, she muttered a single word, so gentle and quiet, he hardly heard it himself.



569 words

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