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Tubbo huffed the next morning as he got off the phone with Tommy, who was a tad bit pissed when his best friend left while he was asleep.

"He was most likely just worried." Ranboo reasoned. "I mean, if my guest just disappeared overnight, I'd be concerned, too."

"...I guess you're right..."

The two walked the rest of the way to Tubbo's house in silence.


"Schlatt, I'm home!" Tubbo called as he walked inside.

He could hear Schlatt laugh hysterically—which sounded terrifying since the man had a villain's laugh—at something, most likely talking to one of his friends.

Despite the many rumors surrounding the man, Schlatt really wasn't that bad of a guy. A tad bit offensive at times? Maybe, but he hardly genuinely tried to hurt his friend's feelings just for the sake of it.

That being said, however, he didn't pay much attention to the teen. Granted, he was seventeen and can take care of himself, but still, part of him would like some sort of attention.

"Oh, hey, Tubbo! How are you?" Schlatt greeted as he walked out of his room with an empty glass—probably about to go fill it in the kitchen.

Schlatt himself was an...odd...fellow, to say the least.

For one thing, he had ram horns and goat eyes that were an unnatural magenta sort of color. For another, the man had muttonchops, always looked shorter than he actually was, and always simultaneously looked chubby and buff—which Tubbo never could figure out how anyone could pull off such an achievement.

"Aw, that Ranboo kid didn't come with you?" Schlatts voice brought the brunette out of his thoughts. "That's a shame."

"He has his own house, Schlatt," Tubbo said as he sat down on the uncomfortable brown couch that looked way too old. It had buttons on it for decoration purposes, and several of those buttons either fell off or were torn off. The back of the couch had a tear large enough for a small child to fit in, and the arms of the couch had smaller tears and scratches from a cat. It also had a weird musty smell to it with a hint of—what he hoped was—animal piss.

"Oh, speaking of which, where were you last night?"

Tubbo bit his lip. "At another friend's house—Tommy's."

"Oh, that other kid you told me about? The shouty one?"

Tubbo nodded. "That's the one. We had a going away party for his older brother yesterday."

"We should have them over for dinner one of these days." Schlatt thought aloud as he filled his glass up with something from a bottle that Tubbo assumed was liquor. "I'd like to meet this kid."

He doesn't want to meet you, though. "That'd be great! I'll text him."



My dad kinda wants to meet your family
Specifically you
He wants to have your family over for dinner
That ok?

Lemme ask Phil real quick
Phil said fuck off

I know Phil didn't say that
Phil loves me

Well, maybe he's pissed that you abnandiden your best friend

I didn't abandon you, calm down
Just come over for dinner, please?
I promise it's not that bad

But ONLY because you asked so nicely


Tubbo quickly texted the address to Tommy before he put his phone up.

"He'll be here at seven."


549 words

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