{15} 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 {15}

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The four-year-old foxling was running around the chapel, his suit crumpled and already messy somehow.

Techno was complaining about how tight his suit was, while Wilbur looked like he was made for his suit, rather than the other way around.

Tommy was sweating profusely due to him not being used to wearing something so tight, and Tubbo was frustrated at the fact that they didn't tailor his suit right, and his sleeves and pant legs were a few inches too long, which only made him look shorter.

Then there was Phil, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, making sure every minute detail was in order. Wilbur swore that the man was about to pass out from how stressed he was.

Wilbur gently knocked on Kristin's dressing room, getting his friend, Niki's, voice in return.

"Uh, it's Wilbur. Is she decent?" He asked, earning a 'yes' from the German girl.

He gently opened the door, quickly closing it behind him to assure that Phil couldn't see inside.

In the dressing room was Kristin, getting ready, Niki, helping her, George, who was busy putting the final touches on Kristin's tiara (plus, he was too gay to focus on a half-naked woman), and another girl that he never got the name of. She was supposedly the younger sister of one of the guests, and in turn, was the flower girl.

"Do you need anything, Wil?" Niki asked, fixing the bouquet.

"Not really, I just want to tell Kristin that her husband-to-be is about to pass out from how much he's panicking."

Kristin sighed, rolling her eyes in such fondness that you could feel it miles away. "Tell him to be patient. We'll start in about half an hour, he can wait a little longer."

Wilbur nodded, exiting the dressing room.


When the music started, everyone sat down. Well, everyone except Niki and Wilbur, who were the best man and bridesmaid.

Side by side, the thirteen-year-old girl lazily threw petals down the aisle, stumbling beside her was the four-year-old Fundy, who was clumsily holding the pillow holding the rings.

After another ten agonizing minutes of waiting, the bride emerged, holding a bouquet of globe amaranths, ambrosia, anemone, arbutus, and bellflowers.

Phil felt what little breath he had leave his body as he caught sight of Kristin.

"I don't think I said this earlier," The pastor, Timothy, whispered. "But I apologize for the way I acted. I knew what she was and I was frightened for you. Though, looking at the two of you now...I just want to say that I sincerely apologize, from the bottom of my heart, hence why I'm making this sacrifice."

"Thank you," Phil whispered back. "And I appreciate all you've done for me and my boys."

As Kristin made her way up to the alter, Timothy began the speech.


"Now, this wedding is slightly different from your typical one. For one, the two getting married are not of this world, but they want to be part of it. And because of this, I will happily give my angelic essence to the bride to turn her mortal, and then turn the groom mortal."

He looked towards Phil. "If I may?"

Phil nodded.

Hesitantly, Timothy swiftly gave Kristin a short peck on the lips.

Suddenly, a bright light emerged from Kristin's chest as Timothy's wings were turned into nothing but ash.

"Did it work?" Kristin asked softly.

"It had to. Tim doesn't have his wings."

"Just one way to be really sure," Timothy said, smiling softly. "You may now kiss the bride."

Without any sort of hesitance, the two shared their first kiss of many.

Phil's wings crumpled into ash, much like Timothy's. It was a lot less painful than he initially thought.

Everyone cheered as the ceremony came to a close.


637 words

Hi. uh, I remember seeing a comment about how Tommy and Tubbo fixed their suits up, and tbh, that actually wasn't my intention when I first wrote the chapter. but tbh, its significantly funnier to imagine them mixing their suits up, even with their height difference, lol.

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