Chapter 4

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"We're here," Baekhyun announced, rousing from his short nap. The other cast members followed suit, their voices filled with wonder as they took in the sight of the temporary guesthouse provided by the TV network.

The house was nestled in a semi-forest area, surrounded by trees, which didn't provide much of a view from the outside. However, the interior of the house was impressive enough to elicit admiration from the guests. It was spacious and well-furnished, making it seem like a place one could live in permanently.

Upon arrival, the first order of business was selecting rooms. Considering Taeyeon was the only woman in the group, the gentlemen unanimously decided she should have the largest and most luxurious bedroom, which was conveniently located next to the balcony. Taeyeon expressed her gratitude with humility and grace, appreciating the consideration and care shown by her fellow cast members.

As they entered their respective rooms to unpack, the group was surprised to find cameras set up inside. It became evident that the cameras were not just for downstairs, but also for their private spaces, raising questions about the level of privacy they would have during their stay.

"Let's rest for two hours and then start rehearsing," the eldest member suggested, his proposal met with unanimous agreement from the rest of the cast. Each of them retreated to their respective rooms, closing the doors behind them before sinking into the soft comfort of their beds.

In one corner of the house, Baekhyun sat on his bed, still holding the pillow he had unknowingly carried with him. He stared at the daisy pillow with a mixture of contemplation and uncertainty. His thoughts seemed to clash, torn between returning the pillow to Taeyeon or keeping it for himself until she asked for it. Ultimately, the latter notion gained dominance in his mind, and he decided to temporarily hold onto the pillow.

Despite his attempts, sleep eluded him, perhaps due to the refreshing nap he had taken during the car ride. Unable to stay cooped up in his room, Baekhyun ventured outside to explore the surroundings. The jovial and outgoing nature that characterized him led him to the balcony, where he could breathe in fresh air and bask in the sunlight.

Armed with some snacks, he carefully stepped out onto the balcony and settled into a seat. The opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation was rare, and he embraced it with a smile. Moments of tranquility like this were cherished, a respite from the hectic pace of life.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention. He straightened up, curious about the source of the sound. As Taeyeon came into view, he felt a mixture of surprise and anticipation. Their eyes locked momentarily, and an awkward smile flitted across Baekhyun's face before he regained his composure.

Taeyeon seemed to share in the awkwardness, yet she stayed, her hands resting on the balcony railing as she gazed out at the natural surroundings. Baekhyun observed her silently, as he often did when he had the chance. It was a moment of quiet connection, where the ordinary act of being together in silence spoke volumes beyond words.

Time seemed to stretch, the minutes elongated as the silence between them persisted. It was a peculiar sensation, a paradoxical slowing of time amid a quiet connection. Baekhyun, sensing the need to break the silence, decided to initiate a conversation.

"I thought you liked sweets," he began, his words slightly stumbling as he tried to find the right phrasing. "That's why I brought—no, I mean, that's why I offered you some. What happened? Did you get sick of them?" His eyes flicked to the sweets he had brought and set on the table.

Taeyeon responded with a hint of sarcasm, her tone light. "I'm not sure. Maybe it depends on the one who gives them. Who knows if there's poison or a love potion hidden within, right?"

Baekhyun chuckled, his amusement evident. "If that were my plan, you might have fallen head over heels for me as soon as you ate the ice cream. But where would I find such a potion maker? Is that even a real thing?" His tone carried a playful undertone. "You and your fantasies," he added in a hushed whisper.

The conversation took a playful turn, teasing each other about their supposed intentions and the unlikely occurrence of love potions. Taeyeon continued the jest, suggesting the possibility of hidden cameras and the potential consequences of their interactions being captured. "You must be grateful there are no cameras here," she mused, her gaze still fixed on the scenery. "But what if there were? I wonder how you'd treat me then."

Baekhyun pondered her words for a moment before responding. "I think I should be the one asking you that. What if this scene were recorded? Would you stay or walk away as soon as you saw me? I'm dying to know."

Taeyeon shifted her gaze slightly, looking at him through her peripheral vision. "Let's see… Maybe you're right, I would walk away and pretend I didn't see you. Now, what about you?"

The unspoken tension was palpable in the air, their exchange laden with a sense of curiosity and vulnerability. The balcony provided a space for them to speak their minds without the prying eyes of cameras or onlookers, allowing them to reveal a facet of themselves that was both guarded and open.

"If you were going to walk away, then I would pull you close and hug you tightly, whispering about how much I miss you," Baekhyun's voice held a confident, yet gentle tone. "And no matter how much you'd beg for the production to exclude that scene from the episode, I'd find a way to make it onto national TV."

Taeyeon's eyebrows knitted in confusion, taken aback by his bold statement. "Who are you, and what have you done with the weak Byun Baekhyun?" she asked, her tone laced with incredulity.

Baekhyun chuckled, a touch of bitterness underlying his amusement. "You still see me as a frail, immature boy, huh? I'm not the same 23-year-old Baekhyun who almost begged on his knees to not lose his career. Over the past few years, I've practiced strength, not just for myself, but to fight for the woman I once lost in the past—for the future."

His words were direct and unabashed, a glimpse into his determination and growth. Taeyeon felt a wave of discomfort, her instincts urging her to escape the situation. But she stayed put, locked in this unexpected exchange.

"How unlucky that woman is..." she muttered, her voice a mix of sarcasm and unease. "But you're just kidding, aren't you? Stop joking around, it's not getting any funnier."

Baekhyun's tone shifted, a hint of seriousness replacing his earlier playfulness. "Who says I'm joking? I may be funny on variety shows, but honey, this is not a comedy."

With that declaration, Baekhyun stood up and offered a slight bow, leaving Taeyeon to grapple with her swirling thoughts once again. The encounter had left her rattled, his words piercing through her defenses and stirring emotions she had tried to suppress.

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