Chapter 17

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"Thanks for the meal," Byun Baekhyun murmured, his voice soft, drawing Taeyeon's attention away from her luggage.

She paused, tilting her head slightly to regard him. "Finished eating?" she asked, noting his empty plate.

"Taeyeon..." His voice held a note of hesitation, making her stop in the process of clearing the tray. She met his gaze, sensing there was something he wanted to communicate.

"I need to use the restroom," he finally said, a bit sheepishly.

"Do you think you can manage on your own, or should I call Minhyuk to help you?" Concern was evident in her voice as she extended a hand, aiding him to rise from the bed. Together, they slowly made their way to the ensuite bathroom.

"I'll be right here, just call if you need anything," Taeyeon said, standing by the bathroom door, watching him with worried eyes before gently closing it behind him.

As she waited, she couldn’t help but replay the events that had transpired earlier. The weight of guilt, mixed with concern and unresolved feelings, was evident in the lines on her forehead. Their past was a complex tapestry of emotions, some bright, some dark, and now, they were navigating a delicate moment in their intertwined histories.

A few moments later, the sound of the bathroom door handle turning made her snap back to the present. Baekhyun stepped out, looking a tad better but still weary. "Ready to head back to bed?" she ventured, her words careful, her smile a little forced. The air between them was thick with unsaid words and lingering sentiments.

"I believe I can manage on my own," Baekhyun asserted weakly as Taeyeon slipped his arm over her shoulder, attempting to steady him on his way back to the bed.

She paused, sensing his desire for independence despite his condition. "Of course," she responded, carefully releasing his arm and allowing him the space he seemed to desire. She watched with a mixture of concern and respect as he gingerly settled himself down onto her bed.

"You just have to let me know if you need anything, alright?" Taeyeon said, her voice tender.

Baekhyun looked up at her, determination in his eyes. "Actually, there is something. I need an answer."

Caught off guard, Taeyeon shifted her weight, sitting gently on the edge of the bed. Her hands worked to organize the items on the bedside table, needing something to do. "An answer to what?" she asked, trying to sound neutral.

"Were you ever going to meet me last night?" His voice was low but filled with raw emotion.

The question hit Taeyeon like a punch to the gut. She'd anticipated they'd address the previous night's events at some point, but she hadn't prepared an answer. Struggling with her emotions and the weight of the past, she hesitated. "I thought...I thought maybe you weren't being serious. You have a playful nature, after all."

A pained expression crossed Baekhyun's face. "So, to you, I've always been just a joke?" He seemed to be trying to piece together her perception of him, a hint of sadness in his voice.

She could feel the weight of the conversation, the gravity of the moment. Wanting to diffuse the tension, she said, "Maybe we should change the topic for now. Let's focus on getting you better. If you want something to eat or need anything else, let me know. I'll be heading out with the others soon." Taeyeon moved towards her luggage, selecting an outfit for the day ahead. The unsaid words between them lingered, creating an atmosphere heavy with unspoken emotions.

"So, you're just going to leave me here alone? I could join you, I think I can manage--"

Taeyeon, sensing the desperation in his voice, cut him off firmly. "You're staying right here. I'll arrange for someone to check on you periodically. Going outside in your condition? It's a surefire way to worsen your health. You're still radiating heat, so please don't be so stubborn." Although her voice was sharp, the concern behind her words was evident. Baekhyun's well-being was clearly a priority for her.

Baekhyun's gaze softened, his voice reflecting a hint of vulnerability. "You promised you'd stay by my side. Have you forgotten so soon? If that's the case, then maybe I should insist that you don't go."

Guilt washed over Taeyeon. She was acutely aware that Baekhyun's current state was largely due to his wait for her the previous night. The weight of the responsibility pressed down on her. "Baekhyun, placing blind trust in people, especially when you think they'll always be there, isn't always the best idea."

While their conversation deepened, unknown to them, their voices carried outside the room. The musicians nearby exchanged glances, their concern growing as they listened to the undercurrents of tension between the former couple. They debated intervening but decided against it, trusting that the two mature individuals would handle their issues without escalating things.

Hyunwoo, sensing the need to give the two some privacy, motioned for the group to quietly exit the premises. Their steps were muted as they descended the staircase, careful not to intrude on the private conversation above. Upon reaching the entrance, Hyunwoo called out, "Taeyeon, we're heading out now."

A faint but clear response echoed back, "Stay safe out there."

With a collective sigh, the group stepped outside, trusting that the duo would find a way to reconcile their differences. They made their way to the town's center, leaving behind the complexities of the house's emotional atmosphere.

"But regardless of the hour, you did eventually show up," Baekhyun murmured, his voice laced with a mixture of relief and hurt as he remembered how she appeared hours after he'd expected her.

Taeyeon exhaled, frustration evident in her posture. "When I stepped out onto that balcony, it wasn't for the reason you're imagining. It's not about us or some unspoken promise. It was sheer concern. You, with your impulsive decisions, sat out in the cold all night. What did you expect me to do? Overlook the fact that you were missing from your room? Assume you were just fine? Any sensible person would've checked!"

Baekhyun's face paled further, the weight of her words pushing down on him. "So, that's it then? You came out of duty, not out of any lingering feeling for me." He attempted to rise, battling the wave of dizziness that threatened to tip him over. Determination fueled his steps as he made his way towards the door, intending to leave the room and perhaps, put more distance between their entangled past.

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