Chapter 15

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At midnight, the world outside was quiet, the stars twinkling in the dark sky. It was a moment of stillness, a time when decisions weighed heavily on hearts and the future felt uncertain.

For Kim Taeyeon, the weight of his words bore down on her, impossible to ignore. The gravity of the situation was not lost on her – it was as if her entire world was encapsulated in this one pivotal moment. What would she decide? The enormity of their history, the love that once bloomed and the pain that followed, all led to this juncture.

On the other side, Baekhyun found himself caught in a different kind of turmoil. Waiting was all he could do, and it was far from easy. The impending outcome of this meeting had the power to shape their lives from here on out. The days ahead would be fraught with tension if things didn't go as he hoped. He clung to the optimism that this moment held the promise of something good, something that might heal the wounds of the past.

Thankful for her exhaustion, Taeyeon slept soundly, her mind blissfully unaware of the storm brewing within her heart. The much-needed respite provided her with solace, a temporary escape from the decisions that awaited her.

Two hours passed, and she stirred from her slumber, a contented smile gracing her lips. For a fleeting moment, the sleep seemed to have lifted the weight off her shoulders. However, reality soon flooded back, triggered by a sudden recollection.

"Meet me later, midnight, 12 am on the balcony."

His words echoed in her mind, jolting her from her peaceful reverie. The smile faded as the seriousness of the situation settled in. Why did he insist on such a rushed decision? Deciding something of this magnitude required time – the kind of time that couldn't be condensed into mere hours.

Taeyeon was well aware of his feelings. It was evident, glaringly so. She wasn't oblivious to how deeply he cared for her. Years of silence hadn't dimmed his emotions, and though they had danced around each other, feigning indifference, Baekhyun's affection for her remained steadfast.

However, the Baekhyun of the present was different from the one she knew. An undercurrent of change had subtly reshaped their dynamic, something that only she seemed to recognize. Not his fundamental personality, no, but the way he treated her – a shift as profound as it was complex. To others, he might have appeared the same, but to her discerning eyes, he was a mosaic of longing, regret, and an unspoken plea for a second chance.

"It's nothing," she waved off quickly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes, her mind already adrift with memories.

Once upon a time, she had been the one to sit beside him during his initial driving lessons, holding onto the door handle, feigning exaggerated terror, and laughing at his fumbled attempts. They had been younger, less burdened by life, more willing to revel in each other's company. Those drives had ended in random destinations, just two people enjoying the journey more than the destination. But those days were now faded memories, replaced by an air of discomfort and unsaid words.

"I heard there's a local diner not too far from here. They're known for their traditional dishes," Jukjae suggested, breaking the silence and diverting the group's attention from the awkward moment.

"That sounds perfect," Minhyuk chimed in, "I'm in the mood for some local flavors."

Baekhyun just nodded in agreement, adjusting his sunglasses. "Local diner it is."

The car ride was filled with the soft hum of the radio, and occasional light-hearted banter amongst the group. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the landscape, making the lavender fields shimmer with a mesmerizing beauty. It was picturesque, something straight out of a postcard. And while the lavender fields captivated Taeyeon's attention, she couldn't help but occasionally steal glances at Baekhyun through the rearview mirror.

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