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"So, my feelings, my hopes, all boil down to mere misunderstandings?" Baekhyun's voice wavered, a mix of hurt and resignation. He tried to steady himself as he stood, his head still spinning, yet determined to make an exit from the emotional turmoil of the room.

Before he could reach the threshold, a soft, delicate hand encircled his wrist. In an unexpected move, Taeyeon drew him close and their lips met in a desperate kiss. It was the kind of kiss borne from years of yearning and unresolved emotions.

The moment was so intense that Taeyeon's emotions overflowed, a single tear tracing its way down her cheek, mingling with their shared kiss. As they deepened the embrace, Baekhyun felt the tear's warmth and it spurred him on, his own repressed emotions pouring forth, making the kiss more fervent.

When they finally parted, gasping for breath, they found themselves wrapped tightly in each other's arms, the intensity of their embrace a testament to their history. Taeyeon was the first to break the silence, stepping back, her eyes filled with confusion and regret. "I shouldn't have... I'm sorry," she stammered, turning to escape the charged atmosphere.

But before she could make her retreat, Baekhyun swiftly closed the distance between them, capturing her in another passionate kiss. This time, Taeyeon responded without hesitation, letting the floodgates of her emotions open wide.

As Baekhyun's arms encircled Taeyeon, drawing her close with gentle determination, she felt a warmth spreading throughout her body. With her eyes shut, she felt vulnerable yet comforted, leaning heavily into his embrace, her knees threatening to buckle beneath her.

"Baekhyun," she whispered, the tenderness in her voice sending a shiver down his spine. Sensing her momentary vulnerability, Baekhyun, despite his weakened state, effortlessly lifted her off her feet and laid her gently onto the bed. Their lips remained locked, each kiss deepening their connection.

With every passing second, Taeyeon felt herself giving in to the overwhelming emotions. Her hands moved of their own accord, gliding over his shoulders, tracing the nape of his neck, and tangling in his hair, pulling him even closer.

Engulfed in the heat of the moment, Baekhyun momentarily forgot about his fever, mistaking the warmth radiating from him as the heat of passion stoked by Taeyeon's presence.

When they finally broke apart, panting and trying to catch their breath, Baekhyun was struck by the sight of glistening tears rolling down Taeyeon's cheeks, accompanied by her soft sobs. "Why the tears?" he asked, puzzled, thinking it should be him who was emotional in the situation.

Without uttering a word, Taeyeon answered him the only way she knew how at that moment – with another deep, soulful kiss.

Baekhyun was half-expecting her to pull away, recalling the countless times in the past when she had hesitated. But this time was different.

He trailed kisses down to her neck, sensing her reactions, and feeling her fingers pressing into his back, urging him on. The familiar yet long-missed scent of her skin acted as an aphrodisiac, reminding him of the depth of their shared history. Despite the time that had passed, the raw, intense emotion between them remained unchanged.

Baekhyun's soft kisses on Taeyeon's shoulders were gentle yet intoxicating, evoking memories and feelings of their past. When he pulled away, the look in his eyes silently posed a question, "Should I stop?" There was always a deep level of respect between them. At such intimate moments, he would always seek her consent, always ensuring her comfort.

In response, Taeyeon, lost in the intensity of the moment, whispered, "I miss you." Those three words held a world of emotions, reflecting years of longing and shared memories.

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